Evening Primrose Oil for Eczema

What effect does evening primrose oil have? The seed oil of the evening primrose (Oenotherae oleum raffinatum) contains large amounts of linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid – two important polyunsaturated fatty acids. People with neurodermatitis (atopic eczema) benefit from this. This is where the healing effect of evening primrose oil kicks in: it provides the … Evening Primrose Oil for Eczema

Onion sacks for earaches

What is an onion bag? An onion bag (onion wrap) consists of a cloth cloth or a cloth bag in which a finely chopped onion is wrapped. It is warmed before application. How does the onion poultice work? What ingredients do you need? If you want to make an onion bag, you will need a … Onion sacks for earaches

Stinging nettle: Good for the bladder?

Brief overview Description: Chronic inflammation of the bronchi with seizure-like constriction of the airways Common triggers: allergic asthma: pollen, dust, animal dander, food; non-allergic asthma: respiratory infection, exertion, cold, tobacco smoke, stress, medications Typical symptoms: Cough, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, chest tightness, breath sounds, labored exhalation, acute asthma attack Treatment: medication (such as … Stinging nettle: Good for the bladder?

Middle Ear Infection: Which Home Remedies Work?

What home remedies help with a middle ear infection? Various medications are used to treat otitis media. However, many people also use home remedies for otitis media. The best-known home remedies for middle ear infections include ear compresses with onions or camomile flowers, as these plants contain anti-inflammatory ingredients. Heat applications are just as popular … Middle Ear Infection: Which Home Remedies Work?

Exercises for finger arthrosis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative progressive and incurable disease. It can be contained but not cured by a coordinated therapy. The articular cartilage is degraded and the joint space narrows, bony attachments to the joint are intended to increase the force-transmitting surface. Increased immobility and inflammatory conditions increasingly affect the capsular ligament apparatus and surrounding musculature. … Exercises for finger arthrosis

Home Remedies for Susceptibility To Infection

When the immune system is compromised, this leads to an increased susceptibility to infections. The reasons for increased susceptibility to disease range from genetic predisposition to pre-existing conditions to stress, often several factors play a role. With alternative medicine and old home remedies, you can strengthen the immune system and prevent infections. What helps against … Home Remedies for Susceptibility To Infection

Physiotherapy for finger joint arthrosis

A finger joint arthrosis refers to the wear and tear of cartilage/cartilage degradation especially at the finger joints. Women are usually more frequently affected and, in contrast to normal arthrosis of all other joints, arthrosis does not only result from overloading but is often hormonal in nature. Finger injuries, such as fractures or capsule injuries, … Physiotherapy for finger joint arthrosis

How should I feed myself in case of finger arthrosis? | Physiotherapy for finger joint arthrosis

How should I feed myself in case of finger arthrosis? There is no difference in diet for osteoarthritis of the finger joints compared to osteoarthritis in all other joints. The most important thing is a balanced, healthy diet. Foods rich in calcium, lean and low-fat dairy products, unsaturated fatty acids, high-fiber and fish products should … How should I feed myself in case of finger arthrosis? | Physiotherapy for finger joint arthrosis

Devil’s Claw

Synonyms in a broader sense Devil’s claw root, Harpargophyti radix, Harpagophytum procumbens, Chondroprotektiva, Natural remedies, Agnesin forte, Allya, Arthrosettes, Bomarthros, Cefatec, Harpagosan tea, Barnacle ExplanationDefinition The healing effect of the devil’s claw (Harpargophyti radix) has been known in folk medicine for a long time. It contains iridoid-type bitter substances, procumbide and free cinnamic acid. They … Devil’s Claw