Mistletoe: Applications and Uses

Mistletoe extracts are used to treat inflammatory joint diseases caused by wear and tear, such as rheumatism. For this purpose, injections are administered into or under the skin (intracutaneously or subcutaneously), where they trigger a localized inflammation. The immune system then begins an anti-inflammatory reaction, which is also directed against the inflammatory processes in the joints and leads to local pain inhibition.

Mistletoe extract: application against rheumatism.

However, the dosage should be chosen with caution for this particular rheumatism treatment, since too high concentrations of the toxic viscotoxins it contains can lead to tissue death (necrosis) in the area of the injection site.

Mistletoe also cannot replace classical antirheumatic drugs, but is used only as a supportive treatment for rheumatic diseases.

Mistletoe against cancer?

Another major field of application of mistletoe preparations is supportive cancer therapy. Here, the herb is used as part of palliative medicine for malignant tumors. Palliative medicine includes medical measures whose primary goal is not to cure, but to create the best possible and pain-free condition.

When it was proven in laboratory animal experiments that mistletoe preparations showed antitumor activity, it was hoped that another efficient means of combating cancer had been found. However, to date there have been very few well-founded results on the therapeutic benefits of mistletoe preparations in clinical practice.

However, there are repeated reports of patients whose psychological condition improved as a result of mistletoe therapy, which can have a positive effect on the course of the tumor disease. The resulting increase in quality of life is presumably also based on the feeling of being actively and directly involved in fighting the cancer. A conclusive statement on the efficacy of mistletoe preparations in cancer therapy is not possible according to current knowledge.

Mistletoe herb for hypertension

According to some sources, mistletoe also has blood pressure-lowering effects and is therefore sometimes used for mild forms of high blood pressure (hypertension).

Mistletoe in folk medicine

In folk medicine, mistletoe was already mentioned in old herbal books as a remedy for tumors. In modern folk medicine, the plant is used for mildly elevated blood pressure, dizzy spells, absence of menstruation (amenorrhea), and joint disorders.

Homeopathic use of mistletoe

In homeopathy, the fresh leafy shoots and fruits are used to treat diseases of the arterial vascular system, heart, respiratory system, female reproductive organs, and musculoskeletal system.

Ingredients of mistletoe

Among the most important efficacy-determining constituents in mistletoe herb are the so-called lectins, or more precisely mistletoe lectins I-III. These are proteins that bind specifically to sugars and various cell surfaces. In addition, strongly basic viscotoxins in 6 isoforms, flavonoids, lignans, biogenic amines, carbohydrates and small amounts of triterpenes are present.

Mistletoe: for what indication?

Possible indications for mistletoe are:

  • Inflammatory joint diseases
  • Malignant tumors (only supportive and as a palliative measure!)
  • Possibly high blood pressure