Partner management, i.e., infected partners, if any, must be located and treated (contacts must be traced for 10 days)
Observance of general hygiene measures!
Genital hygiene
Once a day, the genital area should be washed with a pH neutral care product. Washing several times a day with soap, intimate lotion or disinfectant destroys the natural acid mantle of the skin. Pure water dries out the skin, frequent washing irritates the skin.
It is recommended to use disposable washcloths.
Showering is better than bathing (softening the skin).
Drying the skin dabbing with a soft absorbent towel or a cool hair dryer held far away.
Putting on underwear only when the skin is absolutely dry.
Underwear should be changed daily and be breathable (cotton materials).
Synthetic materials impermeable to air create an ideal breeding ground for pathogens.