Neck wrinkle measurement and sex determination | Determination of nuchal translucency of an embryo using ultrasound

Neck wrinkle measurement and sex determination

Normally, from the 15th week of pregnancy onwards, the child’s sexual organs are so well developed that it is possible to (safely) assess the sex for the first time during this period. The formation of the penis can usually be seen earlier and more clearly than the development of the clitoris in girls. However, since the measurement of the nuchal fold usually takes place earlier (10th – 14th week of pregnancy), the determination of the sex at this time is not always possible. In some cases, however, children develop so quickly that in some cases (especially boys) the sex can already be seen from the 13th week of pregnancy. This could then also be determined during a neck wrinkle measurement.

Who measures the nuchal fold?

In principle, any doctor with permission to measure neck wrinkles can perform the examination. Doctors can also obtain a certificate every year through quality controls. However, since a special high-resolution ultrasound device is required, it is often necessary to visit a specialized practice if one has decided to have the neck wrinkle measurement performed.

Twins already present a great challenge to the gynecologist during routine ultrasound examinations as part of preventive care.Of course, this challenge also exists for neck wrinkle measurement. Nevertheless, a twin pregnancy is not an exclusion criterion for the measurement, it only poses a more or less great challenge for the examiner and a greater time expenditure due to the double measurement. It should be noted that in twins the values can differ to a greater extent if the two fetuses do not grow at the same rate.

Costs of a neck wrinkle measurement

The neck wrinkle measurement is not part of the normal preventive medical check-ups for pregnant women and is therefore NOT paid for by health insurance companies for most pregnant women. Pregnant women under 35 years of age would therefore usually have to pay the costs of the examination YOURSELF. Since the neck wrinkle measurement is offered as IGeL service by gynecologists, the prices for this can vary considerably.

These can be between 30 € and over 200 €. However, since there are always health insurance companies that cover the costs, it is worthwhile to check with your health insurance company beforehand. Pregnant women over 35 years of age, on the other hand, are strongly advised to have their neck wrinkles measured, as they already have an increased risk of fetal malformation (e.g. trisomy) due to their age. In these cases the examination is covered by the health insurance companies.