Operate drooping eyelids? – You should know that!


Drooping eyelids are a certain form of eyelids. The eyelids are not taut, but hang down a little. This usually results in cosmetic restrictions, but can also impair vision. In eyelid surgery, the eyelid tissue is tightened so that the eyelids are less droopy. Such an operation can usually be performed without complications, but requires a precise medical reason so that the costs can be covered by the health insurance company.

Application areas

The areas of application of a surgery on drooping eyelids can initially be divided into two large areas. One is the cosmetic/aesthetic area, the other may be a medical consideration for the operation:

  • Cosmetic indications: These are given when there is no medical reason, but the drooping eyelids are perceived primarily as visually disturbing. In this case the operation is performed to improve the appearance, this is called cosmetic surgery.

    Reasons for this can often be psychological, since drooping eyelids can be perceived as a blemish and can thus have psychological effects on those affected.

  • Medical consideration: This is when the drooping eyelids are designed in such a way that they impair the function of the eye. This is the case, for example, when the drooping eyelids are so pronounced that they impair the field of vision. By means of a visual field examination (perimetry) such a limitation can be diagnosed.

    It represents an objective consideration for surgery on the drooping eyelids. Another medical indication exists when the eyelids can no longer fulfil their function of protecting the eyes. For example, if the eyelid is no longer in direct contact with the eye, the tear film on the eye may be disturbed. The cornea of the eye becomes dry and thus more susceptible to eye injuries and damage. In this case, too, visual disturbances can occur, which is why surgery on the drooping eyelids is medically indicated.