Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and maxillofacial surgery (synonyms: MKG surgery; MKG; cranio-maxillo-facial surgery) deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, traumas (injuries), fractures (broken bones), malformations and changes in the shape of the teeth, oral cavity, jaw and face. Other areas of MKG surgery include functional (chewing, swallowing, speaking) and aesthetic rehabilitation.

Maxillofacial surgery can be life-saving for a patient in both senses of the word: plastic and rehabilitative (reconstructive) maxillofacial surgery makes it its business to help patients, for example after trauma (accidents) or tumor treatment, as well as congenital malformations, to achieve an aesthetically pleasing face and thus also renewed courage to face life.

The maxillofacial surgeon has to complete the study of medicine and dentistry before his 5-year further education. This allows him to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions that include all hard and soft tissues of the face and cranium:

  • Surgical emergency care after trauma (accident).
  • Diseases of the paranasal sinuses (NNH).
  • Diseases of the salivary glands
  • Surgery of the temporomandibular joint
  • Serious bone infections (bone inflammation).
  • Tumor diseases of the bones and soft tissues in the MKG area.
  • Diseases of the nerves to be treated surgically in the MKG area.
  • Correction of cleft lip and palate (cleft lip and palate) treated from infancy and other congenital malformations.
  • Surgical procedures with an orthodontic background, such as repositioning osteotomy and distraction osteogenesis: they are used to change the size and position or positional relationship of the upper and lower jaws
  • Aesthetic surgery such as eyelid correction, rhinoplasty and facelift and more.
  • All procedures of dental surgery (synonyms: dental surgery; oral surgery) such as apicoectomy (WSR) [see under dental surgery].
  • Implantology [see under implantology]
  • Periodontal surgery [see under periodontology].
  • Jaw bone augmentation, for example, before implantological restoration or in terms of pre-prosthetic surgery before restoration with new dentures.

The field of aesthetic surgery, the measures of which patients undergo on their own initiative to improve their aesthetics, has been steadily growing in popularity in recent years and it is impossible to imagine our society without it.

In particular, the most important services of aesthetic surgery from the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery are presented below.