When do I have to go to the doctor? | Homeopathy for abdominal pain

When do I have to go to the doctor?

Abdominal pain can have harmless causes on the one hand, but on the other hand there can also be a dangerous cause. Therefore, a doctor should always be consulted if anything is unclear. Symptoms that may indicate a more serious cause are Problems with urination in combination with stomach pain should also be clarified by a doctor.

  • Very severe pain
  • An increase in existing pain
  • Severe diarrhea or
  • Constipation for days and
  • Recurrent vomiting.

Other alternative forms of therapy

  1. A possible alternative form of therapy is going to an osteopath. Osteopathy deals with abdominal pain mainly with the transition between the different sections of the intestine. These can be narrowed and thus lead to recurring pain.

    Even after operations, adhesions can occur in the abdominal cavity. These constrictions and adhesions can be resolved with the help of osteopathic techniques. A special form of massage and pressure is applied to the abdomen.

  2. Acupuncture is also an alternative form of treatment for abdominal pain.

    In traditional Chinese medicine, digestive tract complaints are explained by an imbalance of the inner center. Accordingly, various organs of the abdominal cavity are out of balance and the flow of energy is disturbed. For this reason, acupuncture for abdominal pain involves needling various acupuncture points that lie within the pathways of the abdominal organs.

Which home remedies can help me?

A well-tried household remedy is the hot water bottle. It should be filled to about two thirds with hot water and placed on the stomach. At the beginning, a layer of cloth or a towel should be placed in between to avoid burns.

The warmth of the water has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the intestine, which can relieve pain. The hot-water bottle can be taken with you to sleep overnight. Camomile tea can also be very helpful for stomach aches.

It can either be bought as a ready-made tea in the drugstore or you can make it yourself by infusing the flowers with hot water. Camomile tea should be steeped for at least five minutes. Chamomile supports the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It can also reduce existing pain and relieve cramps in the intestinal tract. White cabbage juice and pressed potato juice can be drunk in small sips throughout the day. They contain many bitter substances that inhibit inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.

They can also dispose of harmful substances that, for example, enter the intestines through food. The juices can be produced with the help of a juicer.