Pain in the collarbone when lifting the arm | Collarbone pain

Pain in the collarbone when lifting the arm

When lifting the arm, the shoulder is the most important joint. The collarbone is also involved in the shoulder joint. When the arm is raised, the collarbone also moves upwards.

If the clavicle is injured, it cannot be moved properly and causes severe pain. Shoulder joint fractures or other injuries to the shoulder joint can also cause pain in the clavicle. In the impingement syndrome, the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle is trapped, causing pain when the arm is raised above 90°. This pain is often felt as far as the collarbone.

Pain in the collarbone with radiance to the neck

Pain in the collarbone can also spread to the neck. If the clavicle is broken, it can lead to shifts in the joints or muscles and pull on the neck. The immediate proximity can also lead to an injury of the M. trapezius.

This has its origin in the cervical vertebrae and could therefore lead to pain in the neck. Vertebral entrapment at the cervical spine can also cause pain that is transmitted to the collarbone. Pain in the carotid artery is rather untypical for injuries to the collarbone or shoulder. However, pain in the carotid artery can lead to pain in the collarbone. In general, a heart attack can also cause pain in the neck.

Pain in the collarbone when breathing

Breathing causes the ribcage to rise and fall, thus widening the ribs. The collarbone forms a coherent complex with the sternum, ribs and shoulder, so that it also rises when breathing. Therefore, injuries to the clavicle can also cause discomfort. If there is a collarbone fracture, breathing causes slight pressure to be exerted on the collarbone, which can be very painful if the fracture is not yet completely healed. Pneumonia or pleurisy can also cause breathing difficulties, which are often accompanied by pain in the collarbone.

Pain between collarbone and chest

If pain occurs between the collarbone and the chest, this may be an indication of a heart attack. Since the heart is located directly under the chest, pain often occurs there, which typically radiates to the left shoulder and arm. In addition, an accident involving a collarbone fracture can also result in a contusion of the rib cage or a rib fracture.

These lead to pain in this area. Muscle pain or muscle tendon ruptures in the chest can also cause pain between the chest and collarbone.