How long does swelling last after apicoectomy? | Swelling after apicoectomy

How long does swelling last after apicoectomy?

A swelling after successful apicoectomy, where all bacteria below the root tip have been removed, does not last longer than 2-3 weeks. Once the wound is closed after suture removal and the wound begins to heal, the swelling completely disappears. However, the final adjustment of the gums and all soft tissues may still take months.

The bony closure below the root tip can also take 6 months until the root tip is completely anchored in bone again. However, swelling should then no longer occur. If it still occurs, the root tip resection was not successful.

Wound closure may be delayed or not occur at all due to inflammation of the wound or insufficient removal of the infected tissue below the root tip. Inflammation may manifest itself below the root tip or spread and cause increased swelling. This swelling, which is usually filled with pus, can become much larger and spread into vessels if not treated, resulting in diseases that affect the entire body.

The bacteria can reach the heart and circulation through the blood vessels and cause sepsis, a generalized inflammation that is potentially life-threatening. If this blood poisoning is not treated, the body quickly initiates defensive reactions such as fever and chills, but these are only sufficient to fight the disease in 50% of cases. An immediate visit to the doctor is necessary for such symptoms.

What to do if the swelling does not go down?

If the swelling does not subside, the dentist should be contacted as soon as possible to determine the cause. If the swelling spreads and causes swallowing or breathing problems, the abscess must be treated through an incision. The incision is a relief incision that drains the pus in the swelling so that the tissue can regenerate. Drug therapy with antibiotics can be helpful in this case. This should be discussed with the family doctor.

Swelling of the eye due to apicoectomy?

Postoperative swelling of an apicoectomy in the upper jaw can quickly expand. Targeted injury to the soft tissues can be infected by bacteria after suturing the wound and cause swelling or an abscess. The bacteria multiply and form pus.

If the infection is not stopped by medication (antibiotics), the swelling can spread to the eye.Primarily the lower eyelid is affected, which is strongly thickened and affects the affected person. Mere touching with one finger can already be unpleasant. If this swelling does not subside, the pus must be drained through a relief incision within the abscess so that the infection does not spread any further and can cause systemic complications such as cardiovascular problems. In the case of swelling around the eye, the earlier you go to the doctor, the better.