Physiotherapy | Sudeck’s disease of the foot


Since the individual symptoms of a Sudeck’s foot disease can vary greatly, the therapy is adapted to the individual. The disease can vary between only slightly perceptible symptoms and a pronounced feeling of illness and severe impairment. In the treatment of Sudeck’s foot disease, physiotherapy is attributed an important role.

The so-called lymphatic drainage can effectively reduce the accumulation of lymphatic fluid which can easily accumulate on the foot. By removing the congested lymph fluid, symptoms of the disease can be relieved and the healing process can be positively influenced. The lymph drainage stimulates the metabolism of the treated body region. Lymphatic drainage should be considered, especially if oedema occurs on the foot and lower leg. Whether lymphatic drainage is appropriate in individual cases can best be discussed with the treating physician after comprehensive diagnostics.

Ergotherapy for Sudek’s disease

So-called ergotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of Sudeck’s foot disease. Occupational therapy treats the affected foot in different ways and takes into account the individual limitations of the patient due to the disease. Thus, occupational therapy can help almost every person suffering from Sudeck’s disease.

In particular, movement restrictions associated with Sudeck’s disease can be prevented by the use of occupational therapy. Also, certain movement patterns which are unconsciously trained due to pain can be reduced by exercises of occupational therapy and thus possible secondary diseases can be avoided. Active movement patterns help to prevent this progression of the disease. Care should be taken to support muscle growth through active movements, as muscle loss through passive movements can lead to a worsening of the disease.The production of special aids is also part of the occupational therapy treatment and should help the affected person to carry out everyday activities as usual despite the illness.