Pregnancy depression in men | Pregnancy depression

Pregnancy depression in men

New studies show that about 10% of all fathers fall into pregnancy depression after the birth of their first child. Men whose wives also suffer from postpartum depression are particularly at risk. Pregnancy depression in men often only manifests itself indirectly through increased work or the pursuit of hobbies.Only few men show classic symptoms such as lack of drive, listlessness, sadness or brooding.

Often it is only sleep disorders and tiredness that are dismissed as “normal”. An important reason for the development of a pregnancy depression in men is usually the change to a new life with a baby. Many men suddenly feel excluded and less loved because of the close bond between their wife and baby.

This leads to partnership conflicts and frustration. Finally, when sleep deprivation and the pressure to feed the family are added to this, fathers are usually overwhelmed, which ultimately ends in depression. If symptoms of depression are present, it is also advisable to consult a doctor or a counseling center. In severe cases, psychotherapy and medication can help, but usually it only takes time to come to terms with the sudden change in life situation.


The risk of recurrence of pregnancy depression is particularly high in women with a family history of depression. Careful observation of these patients can help to ensure that PPD does not go unnoticed and develop to the detriment of the child. The mother-child relationship suffers considerably from the apathy of the mother.

The physical and emotional neglect of the baby in the first months has massive consequences for the development of the child. In addition, the willingness to educate is also required. Brochures and an open ear of the nursing staff or the doctor can take away the inhibition of the mother to talk about her symptoms.