Premature Ejaculation (Ejaculatio Praecox): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Symptoms of ejaculatio praecox include premature ejaculation:

  • Suffering of the man and the partner.

The definition of ejaculatio praecox is difficult. There are currently several attempts at definition. Among the most important is the definition about the deviation from “normal values of intravaginal ejaculation latency time (intravaginal ejaculation latency (IELT))”. This describes the time from penile penetration to ejaculation. Where one sets the border to the pathological – 1.5-2 minutes? -, is subject to a certain arbitrariness.

Further definitions by the various organizations:

  • DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) – Persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before or shortly after penetration and before the person desires it. This condition must also produce noticeable distress or interpersonal difficulties.
  • ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases) – The inability to control ejaculation sufficiently for both partners to enjoy the sexual act because ejaculation occurs before or very shortly after the onset of intercourse (if a time limit is required, within 15 seconds) or because ejaculation occurs without a sufficient erection for intercourse. The problem does not occur due to prolonged sexual abstinence.
  • EAU (European Association of Urology) guidelines – The inability to control ejaculation for a “sufficient” period of time before vaginal penetration (entry into the vagina). This does not condition fertility (fertility) impairment when intravaginal ejaculation occurs.
  • AUA (American Urological Association) guidelines – Ejaculation that occurs earlier than desired, either just before or after penetration, and results in distress to one or both partners.

International Society for Sexual Medicine Ad Hoc Committee for the Definition of Premature Ejaculation A diagnosis of ejaculatio praecox (premature ejaculation) can be made if the following three criteria are present:

  1. Ejaculations that always or almost always occur before or within one minute of vaginal penetration
  2. Inability to delay ejaculation for all or almost all vaginal penetrations
  3. Negative consequences for personal experience, such as frustration, despair, distress, and/or avoidance of sexual contact.