Prognosis | Throat Cancer


The prognosis depends on the location and stage of the larynx cancer. Glottal carcinoma in the vocal fold area, for example, has a significantly better prognosis than supraglottic carcinoma, which lies above the vocal folds and metastasizes quickly. The prognosis in this case depends on the extent of tumor growth when the first symptoms appear. The Saarland Cancer Registry describes a 5-year survival rate of 65.4% for men and 75.8% for women. However, these figures are very general and are not dependent on tumor stage and localization.


Throat cancer is a relatively rare but dangerous tumor of the larynx and adjacent organs. The main cause for the development of such a tumor are noxious substances such as nicotine and alcohol. Laryngeal cancer can be located at different sites of the larynx and is divided into different groups accordingly.

The treatment options and chances of cure depend mainly on the localization. A distinction is made between glottic carcinoma, supraglottic and subglottic carcinoma and hypopharyngeal carcinoma. Depending on their localization, the individual tumor types may sooner or later trigger symptoms.

This explains the difference in the various chances of cure. The therapeutic options are mainly surgical in the context of a complete or partial removal of the larynx. In very early stages, laser surgery and organ preservation surgery can also be performed.

In later stages, the removal of neighboring organs and lymph node packages is necessary to achieve freedom from tumor. Most operations are supplemented by radiation and/or chemotherapy. Carcinomas of the oral cavity also include cancer of the palate. The following article will show you how to recognize a palatal cancer and how it is treated if present: Cancer of the palate – What you should consider