Duration of complete healing of a rib contusion | Duration of a rib contusion

Duration of complete healing of a rib contusion

The complete healing time of a rib contusion can sometimes vary greatly. It depends on the extent of the bone marrow edema, the bruising on and in the bone and the damage to the periosteum. Since conventional clinical diagnostics do not examine the exact damage, it is seldom possible to state the exact duration of healing.

Mild rib contusions can often be symptom-free within 2 weeks. Severe rib contusions, on the other hand, can take a much longer course. Even if the bone has already clearly regenerated, some patients may experience severe pain even after 4-6 weeks. If the bone has not healed and is pain-free after 6 weeks, further examinations must follow. In these cases, undetected bone fractures, inflammation of the bone or chest and other diseases may be present.

When can I start exercising again in case of a rib contusion?

In order to enable the fastest possible healing, the main focus is on protecting the rib cage and avoiding movements, violent impacts and other irritations on the bruised ribs. Otherwise, damage to the periosteum and the blood vessels in and around the muscle may reoccur, worsening the rib contusion. Sport can theoretically be practiced if the symptoms allow it and there are no painful restrictions in sport.

However, strict care must be taken to ensure that no strain or violence is applied to the rib cage. Occasional pain in the ribs during sports activities also indicates a strain on the bruise and should be avoided at first. Even in the case of a severe rib contusion, it can be assumed that after 6 weeks at the latest, unrestricted exercise can be practiced.

Duration of sick leave

The duration of the sick-leave depends on the pain, the restrictions in everyday life and work, as well as the activity of the employee. A slight rib contusion usually justifies a sick leave of 1-2 weeks. During this period, most of the complaints subside and often, in the case of slight contusions, freedom from pain is possible after 2 weeks.

However, if severe pain persists, which is also present at work and restricts the person affected, the sick leave can be extended by several weeks. A long sick leave is justified, especially for work that requires physical activity and is associated with severe restrictions due to the rib bruising.