Pus on the tonsils without fever | Pus on the tonsils

Pus on the tonsils without fever

Before one receives the antibiotic therapy or also accompanying there is a quantity of household remedies, which can reduce the complaints. However, they should not replace a visit to the doctor. Warm drinks, for example tea with honey, can help, as honey contains ingredients that have a slight antibacterial effect.

The warmth has a pain-relieving effect in the throat area. Horseradish is also an old household remedy, as it also has an antibacterial effect. To make the tea, horseradish root must be freshly grated and infused with water.

The horseradish tea should steep for about 15 minutes and can then be drunk in small sips. You should avoid particularly hot or particularly cold drinks, however, as the extreme temperatures can irritate the inflamed almonds and thus cause even more pain. Each person reacts differently, so it is also possible that cold drinks have a beneficial effect.

The cold causes the throat to swell and also relieves the pain. Just try both and see what works better for you. There is also the possibility to gargle iodine in a mouthwash, it works against the inflammation.

You can get iodine in pharmacies, otherwise you can simply gargle salt water. Another option is to warm the neck also from the outside, for example by wrapping potatoes. For this you have to boil the potatoes, wrap them in a cloth and then crush them in it.

However, you should also make sure that the wrapping is not too hot. In addition, you should wear a cloth or scarf, also when sleeping. This keeps the neck warm and helps the immune system to work better. Should you squeeze pus on your tonsils? and home remedies for tonsillitis

Should the pus be pressed out of the almonds?

Stippling on the almonds can be removed. However, you should not try this with tweezers or other sharp objects, because you can easily injure the tonsils and they will bleed. Instead, you can help yourself with cotton swabs.

It is most effective to press carefully from the side against the area. Inflamed tonsils, however, are reddened and very sensitive to pain. The removal of pus can also be done by an ear, nose and throat specialist. Here you can find out more about the topic: Almond abscess