Red spots on the body with fever | Red spots on the body

Red spots on the body with fever

Practically all febrile viral diseases can cause a rash with red spots as an accompanying symptom. Classical diseases with fever and red spots are the purpura Schönlein-Henoch, chickenpox, measles, hand-foot-mouth disease, three-day fever and rubella. These occur mainly in children, but can also occur in adults.

During pregnancy all skin diseases can occur, which also occur in non-pregnant women. In addition, pregnant women can also suffer from skin changes that only occur during pregnancy. Skin changes with red spots during pregnancy include a newly appeared hypersensitivity of the skin caused by the altered hormone level and the immune system during pregnancy.

For example, cosmetics, creams or shower gels that were previously well tolerated can suddenly cause red spots. A skin disease that only occurs during pregnancy is PUPP (Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy), in which itchy, quaddel-like papules and plaques appear. The rash starts on the abdomen and then spreads over the body. It is treated with low doses of a steroid preparation, after delivery the rash heals by itself. and scarlet fever in pregnancy

Other causes

Red spots on the body can have many other causes.If you are unsure where the red spots come from or if the patient feels ill, a doctor should be consulted to find the cause of the red spots.