Reduced HDL value | HDL

Reduced HDL value

HDL protects our blood vessels from cholesterol deposits, which can lead to coronary heart disease, heart attacks, vascular calcification and circulatory disorders. This is done by using HDL to transport harmful cholesterol from vessels and other body cells to the liver, where it can be broken down and excreted. LDL has the opposite effect.

This is also a transport protein, which transports cholesterol from the liver to the body cells, thus increasing the risk of cholesterol deposits. Therefore the HDL value is always to be regarded in dependence on the LDL value.In principle, however, the lower the HDL, the less protection against cholesterol deposits. Therefore, a low HDL level is also considered a risk marker for heart attack, atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases, regardless of the level of LDL. In summary, a low HDL level can lead to vascular damage, circulatory problems and heart disease.

HDL/LDL Quotient

When a blood sample is taken, the total cholesterol is usually measured, which is made up of the HDL and LDL. The HDL/LDL quotient provides information about the distribution of cholesterol in the body. HDL is the “good” cholesterol, LDL on the other hand is the “bad” cholesterol, because it carries these substances from the liver to the other tissues.

This increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, it is cheaper if the body has more HDL and less LDL at its disposal. A ratio of LDL to HDL below 4 is within the normal range.

So there should be a maximum of four times as much LDL as HDL in the body. A higher ratio would speak for too much LDL to too little HDL and accordingly harm the body. On the other hand, a lower ratio has a positive effect.

How can I increase the HDL value?

A high HDL level is desirable because HDL protects our cardiovascular system from dangerous fat deposits. The HDL level can be increased in a variety of ways. As is well known, a combination of measures works best.

Sporting activity generally helps the body to lose fat and build up muscles. A lot of HDL is needed to break down fat, which mainly transports cholesterol from the tissue back to the liver. Endurance sports such as jogging, cycling, Nordic walking and hiking are particularly suitable.

They are accompanied by a uniform and continuous pattern of movement and are therefore more suitable for increasing HDL than sports with different levels of stress and peak performance. Conscious nutrition can also have an effect on HDL levels. Therefore, it is important to consume less animal products.

These contain many saturated fatty acids, which are more likely to harm the body. Instead, vegetable nutrients are sensible. For example, butter should be replaced by margarine.

Instead of roasting fat on animal basis rather vegetable oils should be used. Also smoking and alcohol consumption have a negative influence on the HDL value and should therefore be avoided. If these measures do not work, the HDL value can also be adjusted with medication.

Statins (cholesterol-lowering agents, see e.g. Simvastatin) are used for this purpose. The body is made to break down more cholesterol, for which a lot of HDL is needed. This leads to the body producing a lot of HDL.