Reiki Treatment

Behind Reiki hides a worldwide practiced method for relaxation, by many it is also used for healing. Through the Japanese Sensei Mikao Usui, the centuries-old tradition of Reiki has been recultivated in the 20th century and has gained popularity to this day. Reiki is a Japanese word composed of the syllables “rei” for spirit or soul and “ki”, the energy of life. This natural life energy to flow from the hands is used in Reiki to treat people, animals but also plants.

Reiki for relaxation and wellbeing

With the help of Reiki it should succeed to increase the physical well-being, to prevent illnesses and possibly also to heal supporting. The method is based on the idea that the universal life energy can be transferred to other living beings through the laying on of hands. By the way, the person who uses Reiki does not lose any of his own energy, but only provides the energy channel to the Reiki recipient.

Training in Reiki

A principle in Reiki is that every person has energy in his hands. Accordingly, it is also possible for anyone of any age to learn Reiki. There are three different degrees that can be obtained through the guidance of a Reiki Master.

First degree: basic training

The first degree is to be understood as basic training. The focus here is on the physical aspect. The Reiki master opens the Reiki channel of the student through four so-called initiations. With the attainment of the first degree, it is directly possible to pass on the healing powers to people, animals as well as plants.

Second degree: mental training

After about three months, the second Reiki degree can then be completed. In this degree, the mental aspect is the main focus. Here, the specified symbols, which play an important role in Reiki, are also attained. Symbols are understood as pictorial aids in Reiki, with whose help energy can be reached specifically. Each symbol is accompanied by a suitable mantra, a chant. During the second degree, up to three initiations take place. Now the Reiki student should also have acquired the ability to use Reiki on himself as well as to perform remote treatments. He shall now be able to access all energy fields in Reiki.

Third degree: the astral realm

The third degree also includes the training to become a Reiki Master at the same time. However, the main focus is on accessing the astral realm. Through the initiation in the third degree, the energetic circle should thus also be closed. In order to attain the third degree, the two previous degrees are mandatory, as well as sufficient practice and experience with Reiki. Even if a Reiki Master has a lot of experience, he is not allowed to make any medical diagnoses.

Treatment in Reiki is varied

Reiki is said to be able to have its effect on three different areas: On the physical, on the emotional as well as on the mental level. Possible effects of Reiki are on …

… the physical level:

  • Against pain
  • For the prevention of diseases
  • To promote blood circulation
  • To detoxify the body
  • Antispasmodic

… the emotional level:

  • Blockages can be released
  • Leads to a holistic relaxation as well as balance
  • To promote the joy of life

… the mental level:

  • Against stress
  • Suitable for burnout
  • For relaxation
  • To promote the ability to concentrate

Reiki as a way of life

In general, Reiki is to activate the self-healing powers. It is also popular supportive use during pregnancy and during and after childbirth. In the opinion of many Reiki masters, it is also particularly well suited for positive accompaniment in the deathbed and can enable a gentle letting go of the dying person as well as his or her death companion. Also in professions that cost the practitioner a lot of strength, such as in the social field, for example, in youth welfare or nursing, Reiki is considered by its supporters as an ideal method, as new strength can be supplied.

Medical effect not proven

Even though Reiki is now quite popular in our culture of life, it nevertheless also has sharp critics who cannot understand how Reiki is supposed to work.So far, it has not been scientifically proven that Reiki actually has a medical effect, so it is counted among the alternative healing methods. Die-hard Reiki fans, on the other hand, do not see Reiki as a method, but perceive it as a way of life.