Removal of Spider Veins

More than half of the adult population has varying degrees of changes in the superficial veins. For many people, however, these are only cosmetically unsightly spider veins, which are small reddish-blue veins on the upper and lower legs, and not a pathological condition such as varicose veins (varicosis).

Differentiate spider veins from couperosis

Spider veins occur when small blood vessels dilate, which are located just below the surface of the skin. They occur mainly in the lower half of the body, for example on the legs, but sometimes also on the face. However, spider veins on the face are not couperosis. Couperosis is a congenital vascular dilatation, which is strongly branched and sometimes forms net-like structures. Both the expression and the origin are different in couperosis and spider veins.

Spider veins: cause and cost

In many cases, the causes of spider veins cannot be determined, but a congenital weakness of the connective tissue favors their formation as well as that of varicose veins. Unlike varicose veins, spider veins do not necessarily need to be removed or treated. However, especially in summer, when people like to wear shorts or dresses, skirts and bikinis, spider veins are disturbing. There are several outpatient procedures that can be used to do something about spider veins. The costs for spider vein treatment are not covered by the statutory health insurance.

Remove spider veins

What can be done against spider veins? To have spider veins removed, three different ways exist:

  • Sclerosing spider veins
  • Apply spider vein cream
  • Laser spider veins

Each of these three ways of removing spider veins is discussed in the following paragraphs.

Sclerosing spider veins

First, spider veins can be removed by chemical means. Sclerosing spider veins is called sclerotherapy in medical jargon and takes about 30 minutes: An alcohol-based sclerosing agent is injected into the spider veins with a very fine needle under local anesthesia. The agent irritates the vessel wall, triggering local inflammation with the result that the vein walls stick together. The spider veins disappear. However, this method requires that the spider veins are large enough for the treating physician to hit them with a cannula. Temporarily, there may be slight pain at the puncture site. A burning sensation may also occur. After the procedure, it is necessary to wear a pressure bandage or compression stocking. In addition, ugly brown spots may form on the skin.

Spider veins: cream as an antidote.

There are also special spider vein creams with high vitamin K1 content. This spider vein cream is applied twice a day to damp, warm skin. It penetrates deep into the connective tissue. There, vitamin K1 influences the clotting ability and increases blood circulation. Thus, the spider vein cream relieves the veins.

Laser treatment of spider veins

The third and more commonly used treatment method is to have spider veins lasered – mind you, under local anesthesia. When spider veins are lasered, there are fewer side effects than with sclerotherapy, and no compression therapy is needed. The laser, while being guided along the vessel to be treated on the surface of the leg, releases a focused amount of energy point by point. It is absorbed by the red blood pigment. This causes the vessel contents to literally deflagrate. A pressure wave is created on the vessel walls, they clap together. Blood platelets attach themselves to the vessel walls, which is why the vessel walls stick together. Further blood flow is no longer possible. Laser treatment of spider veins is suitable mainly for medium-sized and very fine spider veins. For larger spider veins, sclerotherapy should be combined with laser.

Laser treatment of spider veins: painful?

The so-called nutrient vessel, a slightly larger vein branch, must sometimes be removed in advance with a mini-surgical procedure. Laser therapy can be performed on an outpatient basis. Depending on how large the area to be treated is, the time required varies from 10 to 30 minutes. Additional sessions can be done at three to four week intervals. Laser therapy is associated with a certain risk. The laser light can cause a very strong inflammation. It can lead to a loss of pigment and thus to an impression of the vein. In the first weeks after laser application, the risk of infection is increased because the skin is still somewhat more permeable.And allergic reactions such as itching or redness of the skin may occur temporarily.

Prevent spider veins

Spider veins can’t be completely avoided, but there are things you can do for your vein health to prevent varicose veins from joining them. Physical exercise is very important: Walking on park or forest paths with a firm surface can improve the functioning of the veins, because the tension of the leg muscles exerts pressure on the neighboring veins. Cycling, decongestive gymnastics, swimming, dancing, cross-country skiing or hiking are also good. Special vein gymnastics can be done anywhere:

  • While standing, raise and lower the heels or toes ten times each.
  • While sitting, circle the feet ten times or raise and extend the top of the foot.
  • Treading water and morning cold showers also counteract vein problems.

By the way, if you like to cross your legs, you should get out of the habit very quickly, because this can also promote vein problems such as spider veins.