
Synonyms Renal calyx, renal pole, renal pelvis, renal hilus, wandering kidney, cortex, renal medulla, nephron, primary urine, inflammation of renal pelvis Medical: Ren Anatomy of the kidney The kidney, of which each person normally has two, is approximately bean-shaped. Each kidney weighs about 120-200 g, with the right kidney generally being smaller and lighter than … Kidney

Diseases of the kidney

The kidneys are located on both sides of the spine and are among the organs with the best blood supply. Their central task is the filtering of the blood and thus the production of urine, but also the regulation of blood pressure and the production of some hormones is one of the tasks of the … Diseases of the kidney

What is a Wandering Kidney?

In fact, the colloquial term wandering kidney refers to an organ that is prone to movement. A wandering kidney, with the scientific name nephroptosis, is the medical term for a lowering of the kidney. It is usually caused by decreased muscle tone and/or severe weight loss. This can lead to pain, e.g. when standing, due … What is a Wandering Kidney?

Renal pelvis

Synonyms Latin: Pelvis renalis Greek: Pyelon Anatomy The renal pelvis is located inside the kidney and represents the connection between the kidney and the ureter. The renal pelvis is lined with mucosa. It is funnel-shaped widened to the renal calices (Calices renalis). These renal calices surround the renal papillae. The renal papillae are bulges of … Renal pelvis