Revenue | Bifiteral®


Bifiteral® can be taken in powder or syrup form. The syrup is measured in the required amount and can then be stirred into drinks or food or taken together with such food. In principle, however, Bifteral® can be taken independently of meals.

The period in which the effect begins to take effect can vary greatly from person to person. For example, the laxative effect can begin after 2-10 hours, but also only after 1-2 days. The application of the powder does not differ fundamentally from that of the syrup. The powder is also stirred into drinks and food. Bifiteral® should not be taken beyond the maximum time of 2 weeks.


Bifteral® can be used for constipation that cannot be relieved by other means (fiber, exercise). In general, Bifteral® can be used in diseases where a lighter bowel movement is indicated, e.g. haemorrhoids. A further area of application is portocaval or hepatic encephalopathy.

This is a disorder of the brain due to advanced liver damage, e.g. cirrhosis of the liver. Because the liver is damaged, it no longer works properly and is unable to excrete the breakdown product ammonia sufficiently, which causes ammonia (NH3) to accumulate in the body and can cause various types of damage (e.g. in the brain). The use of Bifiteral® can help to lower the ammonia level (see above).

Bifiteral can also be taken when salmonellae are being eliminated. These are people who have had an infection with salmonella from the gastrointestinal tract. Such an infection can heal on its own or with antibiotics, but a depot of the pathogen can also remain (e.g. in the bile ducts).

In such cases the affected persons continue to excrete salmonella with their stool. When Bifiteral® is administered, the increased number of stools should flush the pathogen out of the gastrointestinal tract. When taking the product, the dosage prescribed by the treating physician should be adhered to.

The quantity of Bifiteral® depends on the group of people, the severity and type of the disease. For constipation, 7.5-15ml is indicated 1-2 times daily in adults. In children only 4.5-9ml 1-2 times daily.

For hepatic encephalopathy, the dose of 7.5-15ml is indicated 3-4 times daily in adults, which should be carefully increased to 30-45 times 3-4 times daily in the course of treatment. For the sanitation of salmonellae excreters, two 10-12 day cures are assumed, where in the first cure 13.5ml is taken 3 times daily and in the second cure (after a week’s break) 13.5ml 5 times daily. If side effects occur during the course of the treatment, it is advisable to consult your doctor.