Symptoms | Coccyx fistula


A coccyx fistula can manifest itself through various symptoms. The tricky thing about this disease, however, is that it is completely asymptomatic in some sufferers over a long period of time and for this reason can only be diagnosed and treated at a very late stage. As a rule, the presence of a coccyx fistula becomes noticeable through the sudden onset of severe pain in the buttock region.

Affected patients are no longer able to walk long distances or sit on their buttocks, for example. Any strain on the coccyx region leads to an increase in pain symptoms. In some patients, however, such a perception of pain occurs very late or not at all.

Sometimes affected persons describe only a pulling over the breech. Further symptoms of coccyx fistula are local redness and overheating, which are due to the inflammatory processes inside the fistula. Swelling in the area of the anal fold usually indicates purulent processes inside the fistula. The discharge of pus and/or bloody secretions is not noticeable in all patients. Bloody, yellowish deposits on the underwear can be a first indication of the presence of a coccyx fistula.

Stages of the coccyx fistula

The clinical stages of coccygeal fistulas are divided into three relevant types. They are divided into: blanden, acute abscessed and chronic fistula. This is the mildest type of coccyx fistula.

In contrast to the acute or chronic type, the blind form shows no signs of inflammation. The affected patients do not notice any reddening or swelling, nor any overheating or pain in the area of the coccyx fistula. As a rule, only a few (maximum one or two) fistula openings on the skin surface can be found in coccyx fistulas of the land-type.

The heavy strain on the buttock region as well as excessive hairiness quickly lead to the penetration of whole hairs into the epidermis. The organism perceives these hairs as foreign bodies. In addition, they form an ideal entry port into the body for bacterial pathogens.

Since an unspeakable number of bacterial pathogens persist especially in the buttocks region, skin infections quickly occur. In addition, heavy sweating promotes bacterial growth by creating a warm, humid environment. This leads to severe local inflammation and the formation of purulent secretions.

Especially in this form, apple-shaped vessels and obesity are considered relevant risk factors for coccyx fistula.In the chronic fistula form of coccyx fistula, no acute signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, overheating, pain) can usually be detected. However, the majority of affected patients complain about the permanent secretion of purulent secretions (fistula secretion). It is also possible for light and/or bloody fluids to escape from the fistula tract.

The danger with chronic fistula courses lies in the fact that within a few days the tissue change can grow enormously in size and the coccyx fistula can swell to the size of a fist. Affected patients are plagued by severe pain in these cases.

  • Blande gradient
  • Acute abscessing course form
  • Chronic fistula progressive form