Shoulder shrug


A shrug of the shoulders results in an involuntary contraction (contraction) of the shoulder muscles, which cannot be influenced. The extent of the contraction can be very different. In most cases it is rather light and does not lead to an actual movement of the shoulders.


In most cases, the muscle twitches in the shoulder are not caused by a serious disease. They can simply occur without a cause. In many people, for example, muscle twitches occur shortly before falling asleep.

Under stress or other stressful events, muscle twitches can occur more frequently. Another harmless cause of muscle twitches is a magnesium deficiency. However, the calf muscles are usually particularly affected by magnesium deficiency.

Another reason for muscle twitches can be stimulating substances such as caffeine. But alcohol or drugs can also cause or intensify muscle twitches. Some drugs can cause muscle twitches as a side effect.

This should always be discussed with your doctor. Muscle twitches also occur in the context of hypoglycaemia and overheating or hypothermia. In amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a very rare muscle disease, muscle twitching is a typical symptom.

They can occur anywhere in the body. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is accompanied by other symptoms, such as increasing weakness in the arms and legs. Over time, the symptomatology worsens.

It is based on the destruction of the nerve cells that supply the muscles. Muscle twitches also occur in the context of Tourette’s syndrome. Here we speak of so-called tics.

In Tourette’s syndrome, other symptoms besides muscle twitches occur, such as uninfluenceable vocalizations! When the human body is in a stressful or psychologically stressful situation, the entire basic tension of the body, including the muscles, is increased. This lowers the inhibition threshold for a contraction of the musculature and makes it easier for the muscles to twitch. Another reason why muscle twitches occur more frequently under stress is that our brain incorrectly transmits signals under pressure. Relief from the stress and an alleviation of the muscle twitches can be achieved through relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or yoga.