Side effect | Refigura®

Side effect

There are only rough information about side effects of Refigura®. In contrast to a tested drug, side effects are mentioned by the manufacturers without a frequency statement. The only known side effects of Refigura® concern the digestive tract.

Refigura® contains dietary fibres and swelling agents which should help to reduce weight. To a certain extent one can also speak of a laxative effect. With a sensitive digestive tract or a diet rich in dietary fibre, complaints can therefore occur.

Typical complaints are flatulence, nausea or diarrhoea. Constipation, stomach pain or an upset stomach are also possible side effects of taking Refigura®. People with chronic gastro-intestinal diseases or a sensitive digestive tract therefore do not benefit from taking Refigura®. Incompatibility with one of the ingredients can also lead to increased symptoms or even an allergic reaction.


Since Refigura® can be purchased without prescription, the taking is not examined before by a physician.If one should take medication regularly, however, it is advisable to consult a physician before taking Refigura®, since possible side effects and interactions can be clarified. Refigura® intervenes in the metabolism and has a high fat binding capacity. It can therefore have a negative influence on the effect and processing of some medicines.

Above all medicines, which also contain fats or chemical substances similar to fats, can be impaired in their effect. Important examples of this are the contraceptive pill or hormone preparations as taken during the menopause. This does not mean that Refigura® should not be taken in these cases, but only that the time of taking it must be planned. To ensure that Refigura® does not influence the effect of such medication, the medication should be taken at least one hour before or four hours after taking Refigura®.

When should Refigura not be taken?

For the taking of Refigura® some contraindications exist. The product should not be taken if there is an allergy or intolerance to one or more ingredients. Further Refigura® is not suitable for the income during pregnancy and lactation.

Beyond that persons with chronic or serious illnesses and a regular taking of other medicines, should handle carefully with the income of Refigura®. If there is a desire to take Refigura®, this should always be discussed in such cases with a doctor who is familiar with the patient’s own medical history and medication. In this way it can be reliably assessed whether taking Refigura® can lead to damage or disadvantages.

In the case of high blood pressure, it is possible that the blood pressure changes and falls as a result of weight loss in the course of taking Refigura®. In this case, the dose of the antihypertensive medication may have to be adjusted. The situation is similar in the case of diabetes for which medication has been prescribed. Refigura® can cause blood sugar levels to fall. If necessary, only a lower dose of the antidiabetic drug may then be required.