Side effects | Parasite Cure

Side effects

With a parasite cure one can differentiate between an orthodox medical cure and an alternative cure. Accordingly, the side effects are also different. In a conventional parasite cure/worm cure, chemical drugs (Pyrantel-Mebendazole) are used.

This has the consequence that the parasites are paralyzed. Due to the paralysis they are unable to move and are thus excreted alive with the stool. The following typical side effects may occur: Diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea.

In addition, the drugs can disturb the intestinal flora, so it should be rebuilt after the treatment. In summary, hardly any side effects are known or pronounced. However, if strong symptoms occur while taking the medication, a doctor should be consulted.

This can differ from person to person. The alternative parasite cure consists of various natural remedies. The own intestinal system is strengthened in a gentle way, for example with antiseptic agents.

The parasites, on the other hand, are starved, killed and then expelled by the remedies. These natural remedies can stimulate the appetite. Furthermore, the ingredients can cause side effects such as flatulence or irritation of the stomach lining.

In this case the dose should be reduced. One ingredient (wormwood) can cause neurological damage, such as tremors, if overdosed or taken for a very long time. In general, the side effects are very minor and should not be a major burden. In addition, they do not occur in everyone and vary in severity.


In a parasite cure, the number of risks and the occurrence of these risks are manageable and very rare. As with any other treatment, there is a risk of suffering from the side effects of the therapy. The side effects, however, are also only mild symptoms, such as nausea or discomfort.

Caution is advised for pregnant women, as some of the conventional parasite treatments should not be taken during pregnancy. In this case, discuss the intake with a doctor. Furthermore, there is the risk, as with every first contact with an unknown substance, that one reacts allergic to it.

In the worst case, an anaphylactic shock may occur. However, this is extremely rare.The allergy can become immediately noticeable, in that one shortly after the income, notices that the body shows typical allergic reactions. It is also possible that the allergic reaction is only noticeable after a few days.