Sound Massage: Relaxation for Body and Mind

Full body massages with singing bowls are a new way also in the cosmetic and wellness sector. The finest vibrations fill the body and release tension. Gently, very gently, the sound therapist strikes one of the large Tibetan bowls. A full, rich sound fills the room – and the body, because the bowl is on the back. Feeling the sound in the body is an intense experience. What you hear and feel: the finest vibrations, a light, pleasant tingling sensation. Since our body consists of about 80 percent water, the vibrations are transmitted to the cells. At the same time, you listen to the sound moving away and listen to yourself in the silence – a rather rare experience today.

What happens during sound massage?

During a sound massage, several bowls are placed on the clothed body and struck. In one variation of the massage, the patient lies in water. The fine vibrations are intended to touch the body, mind and soul and relieve them of tension. The goal: the self-healing powers are mobilized and creative energies are released. A sound massage lasts about an hour, and one should take the time and rest for it.

During the massage, you lie on your stomach for a while, then on your back. Singing bowls of different sizes are placed on the patient’s stomach and back, on certain chakra points (chakras are energy centers), joints or pain zones. A clapper is used to gently strike the bowls until the sound waves have dissolved the disturbed energy fields and flood the entire body.


Hearing is more accurate than seeing. Experiments have shown that no other organ responds to such minimal stimuli as the ear, and biologically it seems to have greater significance: Before we are born, we already perceive the world acoustically. Sound has a very great significance in music therapy, e.g. for handicapped people. Already Pythagoras treated melancholy with music.

Sound massage is based on ancient knowledge, which was already used in the Indian art of healing more than 5000 years ago. In the eastern conception the human being originated from sound, is therefore sound. When a person is in harmony with himself and his environment, he is able to live his life freely and creatively. Modern sound massage was developed by Peter Hess. He has collected the application of sound experiences in Nepal and Tibet.

Singing bowls come from Japan, China, Thailand and the Himalayan region and are made of five to twelve different metals. According to a tradition, a bowl should contain seven metals, one for each planet: gold, silver, mercury, copper, iron, tin, lead, as well as five other metals: zinc, meteoric iron, bismuth, galena and pyrite.

Mode of action

The mode of action of singing bowls is largely unexplored. In medicine and psychology, therapeutic work with sounds has been done for a long time. The experiences of many patients have shown that the sounds of singing bowls provide a meditative and secure atmosphere. Most people experience sound massage as beneficial. One enters the so-called alpha state: here the brain generates currents of about eight to twelve Hertz. Although one is mentally awake, one is in a state of relaxation full of peace and harmony. This state favors creativity and imagination. This makes it easier to solve problems, because both hemispheres of the brain are active.

Due to its relaxing and pain-relieving effect, sound massage supports healing treatments, for example, for intervertebral disc, abdominal and heart complaints and joint problems. However, serious physical or mental illnesses may only be treated by members of recognized healing professions. Therapists hope that sound massage will have a special effect on patients in a coma, among others. Music therapy is also used to try to establish initial contact with coma patients by humming melodies, and has had amazing success.