Special stretching | Stretching exercises for Piriformis Syndrome

Special stretching

Since the piriformis muscle is a strong holding muscle in the pelvis, it is best stretched passively. The positions should be held for about one minute so that the stretching effect reaches the muscle. The piriformis muscle mainly causes an external rotation in the hip, and the muscle also plays a role in spreading the leg.

The most effective stretching exercises are therefore those in which the thigh is turned inwards. Exercises that are performed lying on the back are usually the most comfortable. With the “knot for the buttocks”, both legs are first set up.

The outer ankle of the affected leg is placed on the thigh of the other leg so that the knee points outwards. Now pull the healthy leg as far as possible towards the upper body. A similar posture can also be achieved with the affected leg only.The bent knee is led to the opposite shoulder.

Self Massage

If you are willing to invest in a self-massage roll (so-called blackroll), you can purchase it on the Internet in various price categories. The starting position is to place the roll under the buttocks and place the affected leg over the bent healthy leg. With the hands one supports oneself behind the back, however one should pay attention that the upper body position remains as upright as possible.

Now roll along the muscle line between the ischium and the iliac crest and massage the muscles. The same exercise can alternatively be performed with a suitable massage ball instead of the roll. This provides a more selective massage, which is why this exercise is recommended for advanced users.

Heat and stretching exercises

Heat and stretching exercises are ideal in the acute phase of Piriformis Syndrome. The warmth allows the muscle to relax and stimulates the blood circulation and metabolic activity of the piriformis muscle. This further improves the muscular situation.

Also by stretching the muscle a certain relaxation of the muscle is achieved. Overall, however, warmth and stretching exercises only work against the symptom of Piriformis Syndrome. Once the pain has subsided, additional exercises should be performed to strengthen the piriformis muscle.

This is the only way to avoid a recurrence of the symptoms permanently. Bad posture and overstraining should also be corrected or avoided. This topic might also be of interest to you:

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