Spider veins on the ribcage | Ribbed Arch

Spider veins on the ribcage

If the spider veins already occur in childhood or early adulthood, the causes are usually harmless. The most common cause is an insufficiency of the venous valves. The venous valves actually ensure that the blood from the lower half of the body is pumped evenly to the heart and does not sink into the legs.

If a venous valve no longer functions properly, it can no longer hold the blood column in that area and the blood sinks down. In the process, the congested blood column can back up in small veins in alternative ways. Spider veins at the costal arch or generally in the upper part of the body can also be indications of organic causes. Disorders of the heart as well as of the liver can be responsible for the small fine veins on the body surface. If other symptoms such as a sudden drop in performance, chest pain, yellowing of the sclerae or even of the skin itself occur, a doctor should always be consulted for further clarification.

Symptoms at the costal arch

The cause of itching is manifold. A contact allergy could be a possibility, which could be triggered by detergents or certain textiles on the skin. Even if you sweat a lot and the sweat collects in skin folds, it can itch.

Another cause of constantly scratching yourself could be neuralgia. Fine nerves run from the spine, starting below a rib and continuing towards the sternum, these are the intercostal nerves. If these nerves are inflamed or irritated, faulty impulses can be conducted through the nerve tracts, making it appear itchy.

If small pustules appear in addition to the itching, it may be shingles. Depending on the localization and type of the cramp or the persistent pain, various causes can be considered. Harmless causes of pain in the region of the costal arch can be: heartburn, vertebral blockages of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae, whereby the pain radiates into the region, gallstones or an inflammation of the pancreas or even tension and sore muscles.However, serious illnesses such as angina pectoris (tightness in the chest), heart attack, pneumonia, pleurisy, pericarditis or cardiac arrhythmia can also cause cramp-like pain.

If you experience shortness of breath, pain radiating into the shoulder, arm, jaw or – especially in women – the upper abdomen, or if you feel a twinge in your heart, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The so-called intercostal nerves run under the ribs. If such a nerve fails, numbness can occur in the affected region. Causes for failure of intercostal nerves can be a slipped disc in the area of the thoracic spine or multiple sclerosis.