Additional symptoms | Toothache under a crown

Additional symptoms

Typically, both strong and weak toothache under a crown is triggered by certain stimuli. Cold, heat and pressure are the main causes, which cause pain especially when eating. However, they can also exist spontaneously or in phases.

In addition, there are some symptoms that can occur additionally, but do not always have to. In this context tartar and bleeding gums are often observed. Tartar is a mineralized deposit on the tooth near the gums.

Since the gums are irritated, gum bleeding can occur. In most cases, deep gum pockets and exposed tooth necks are also present. When a tooth is prepared (ground or drilled) for a crown, the gums sometimes retract, leaving exposed tooth necks.

The teeth become very sensitive and react to the smallest changes in the oral cavity. During an acute inflammation, the usual signs of inflammation also occur (pain, redness, pressure, warming, limited function). Inflammation in the area of the teeth can also have effects on the whole body; fever, swelling and fatigue are typical.

With this symptom the treatment is not always the same, as it depends on the cause. Only after the diagnosis has been made does the dentist initiate the correct treatment measures.If the pain is caused by secondary caries, the old artificial crown should be removed and the caries removed. Then the tooth is assessed and a decision is made whether it can be preserved or not.

Sometimes a build-up filling is necessary here for crown preparation or root canal treatment before a new crown is made. In other cases the tooth must be extracted and a dental bridge or prosthesis must be made. In case of root canal inflammation, a root canal treatment must be initiated as soon as possible to prevent the inflammation from spreading to surrounding tissues and, in the worst case, the loss of the tooth.

A self-treatment with medication or home remedies may be carried out for a maximum of two days. However, caution is advised, as taking painkillers only relieves the symptoms, but does not eliminate the cause. A visit to the dentist is therefore strongly recommended.

If the symptoms do not recede during this time, a visit to a dentist is absolutely necessary. Otherwise the inflammation could spread further and cause serious damage. Home remedies should only be used for a maximum of one to two days for toothache under a crown.

The natural active ingredients that are usually used for toothache are camomile tea, clove oil or cloves. As a conditioner, strong chamomile tea has an anti-inflammatory effect. Clove oil is drizzled directly onto the affected area and causes a short-term elimination of pain there.

If there is no oil at hand, a whole clove can be chewed. This has the same effect. Some patients also swear by alcohol.

This is not drunk for relief, but used as a rinse. Heat can aggravate an inflammation, but it should be avoided at all costs. Bacteria can spread more quickly in hot weather and promote the disease.

Cold, on the other hand, constricts the blood vessels and can reduce pain for a certain period of time, especially if there is severe swelling. Treatment with painkillers such as ibuprophene or paracetamol have also proven effective in the oral-jaw area. It is essential to follow the instructions on the package insert or the advice from your family doctor, dentist and pharmacist regarding dosage and duration of use.