Sports for coughs, colds and sniffles | Sports for coughs

Sports for coughs, colds and sniffles

If coughing occurs in athletes, the cause of the cough should first be clarified: The doctor can also point out alternative sports that put very little strain on the circulation and that can also be done with a cough. Athletes should always think about their health first before they simply continue with the sport. Especially for competitive athletes, the pressure is often so high that a break is not possible because the athlete would be too far behind in training.

The problem is that the body may be damaged more and more without the athlete noticing, which can lead to a cold, for example. A cold puts a lot of strain on the cardiovascular system and the immune system is also busy banishing bacteria and other germs from the body. Besides aching limbs, headaches and inflamed sinuses are not uncommon.

During these physical strains, strenuous sports activities should be avoided at all costs. High sporting loads such as jogging, weight training or team sports put additional strain on the organism and the healing process is automatically slowed down because the body does not have enough resources to cope with both loads. The regeneration after sports is just as less than optimal as the healing process of the common cold.Due to the weakened immune system, infections and diseases (myocarditis) can creep in.

A quick and complete recovery from coughs, colds and/or flu can only be guaranteed by a sufficient recovery break. If you have any questions or uncertainties, you should therefore always consult your family doctor.

  • If there is a protective reaction of the body, you can continue with the sport normally.
  • However, if the cough is a sign of illness, a doctor should determine the exact nature of the illness and make a recommendation as to whether and when it is possible to resume sports.

Sports for coughing with sputum

Coughing with sputum can have two reasons. Firstly, it can be a protective reaction of the body, which occurs when there is dust or mucus in the lungs or respiratory tract. On the other hand, it can be a serious illness that should be clarified by a doctor.

Sometimes the sputum indicates lung involvement in the form of pneumonia or bronchitis. Clear sputum usually occurs with viral infections, but if the sputum turns yellowish or green-yellowish, it is more likely to be a bacterial infection. Both infections in the upper respiratory tract can spread, and it is feared that an inflammation of the heart or the mediastinum is possible.

Depending on the reason behind the coughing with sputum, sporting activity should be interrupted or alternative sports should be done. Endurance sports in particular place a great deal of strain on the body, so that other sports should be used for coughing with sputum. All sports that are performed in a low pulse range are suitable for this.

Sports that are performed in high pulse ranges put a lot of strain on the body and are therefore not suitable. Walking, yoga, fascia training, quiet cycling are good examples of sports that can be practiced after consulting a doctor. Inadequate behaviour during a cold or infection can promote it and also make a previously unnoticed spread of infection to the heart symptomatic and therefore dangerous.