Stabbing in the left breast during pregnancy | Stitching in the left breast

Stabbing in the left breast during pregnancy

Pain in the breast during pregnancy is very common. However, how strong these pains are during pregnancy is individual from woman to woman. The hormone balance of women changes, so that the glandular tissue in the breast increases.

This results not only in milk production, at the end of pregnancy, but also in a feeling of pain and a pulling sensation. In some women, the change in the breast is one of the first signs of pregnancy. The pain, which can manifest itself in the form of a feeling of pulling or pressure, is particularly strong in the first months of pregnancy. Breast pain during pregnancy is therefore a completely normal side effect of the changed hormone balance and therefore no reason for concern. For more information: Breast pain during pregnancy

Stinging in the left breast after a cold

It is possible that after a cold there is still some pain when breathing in the chest for some time. As a rule, one had acute bronchitis, one of the most common acute respiratory diseases. Symptoms such as severe coughing with sputum were present.

Due to the inflammation of the bronchial tubes, chest pain may occur during the cold when breathing in and especially when coughing. A severe cold with bronchitis is accompanied by other symptoms. Even if these accompanying symptoms of a cold, such as fever or tiredness, for example, have already subsided, the bronchi can still be very irritated and susceptible.

This can lead to chest pain even after a cold, if you breathe in and out or cough heavily. During this time you should take care of your body and not put too much strain on it. Another cause could be a carry-over of the pathogens, which has led to heart muscle inflammation.

This occurs particularly in young, athletically active people if the cold is not sufficiently cured and physical exertion takes place at an early stage. In addition to stinging, most of those affected also experience a feeling of tightness in the chest, weakness in performance or even dizziness. Here, too, it is essential to take it easy.For more information: Duration of a cold