Stinging in the breast during breastfeeding | Stinging in the chest

Stinging in the breast during breastfeeding

There are several causes for a prick in the breast during breastfeeding. A strained posture, e.g. bending forward too much or holding the baby, can cause tension in the back muscles. On the one hand, this leads to back pain, on the other hand it can irritate the nerves that supply the muscles of the rib cage and the breast.

This irritation can manifest itself as a stinging sensation. Another possibility is an incorrect attachment technique and/or incorrect sucking behaviour of the baby. If necessary, you should seek help from a midwife or lactation consultant (or a more experienced mother) and have the positioning checked.

A thoracic infection (infection with the yeast Candida) of the mammary glands, which causes the stabbing pain, is also conceivable. Both mother and child must then be treated with anti-fungal drugs. A thrush infection can occur on one or both sides.

Inflammations of the mammary glands or the milk ducts of nursing mothers are also possible, which can cause an unpleasant stinging. Perhaps the nipples have also been injured by breastfeeding and strong sucking of the baby. If there are long-lasting problems with breastfeeding or pain in the breast, a visit to the gynecologist is advisable to find the cause and treat it. Problems with the mother during breastfeeding

Stinging in the breast during pregnancy

During pregnancy, especially at the beginning, many women complain about a tightening of the breasts. The simple explanation is the hormonal remodelling processes caused by the hormone prolactin in the body, which leads to the growth of the mammary glands and milk ducts. A more serious disease with stings in the breast during pregnancy is pulmonary embolism.

During pregnancy, the risk of blood clots forming is increased, so pulmonary embolisms are also more common than in non-pregnant women. Typically, the stinging in the breast is then dependent on breathing, and breathing difficulties may also occur. You can find more information on this topic at: Chest pain during pregnancy Breast pain during pregnancy