Stomach Pain Causes

Stomach pain (gastralgia) is not an independent disease, but like other types of abdominal pain, it can have many causes and occur as symptoms in connection with various diseases. Stomach pain refers to various pains of the upper (usually left-sided) abdominal area, but the stomach need not always be the triggering organ. Stomach pain can be stabbing, cramping or pulling and is not in itself a cause for alarm. However, if stomach pain occurs with other symptoms and/or recurs frequently, a doctor must be consulted.

Stomach pain after eating

Stomach pain can occur on its own, such as when you are intolerant to food that is too fatty and rich, or as a symptom of a disease. To find out the causes of stomach pain, you should pay close attention to the accompanying circumstances. Stomach pain that occurs together with heartburn and belching can be an indication of reflux disease, in which the stomach contents flow back into the esophagus in large quantities. Stomach pain after eating is usually harmless if it occurs infrequently. Then the stomach pain is usually the result of a hard-to-digest meal and passes quickly. This is because even stretching of the stomach wall after an indulgent feast can lead to stomach pain. Certain foods have a flatulent effect and can therefore additionally trigger stomach pain. Milk, sweets, pork, onion plants and cabbage, but also alcoholic beverages, caffeine and cigarettes are to be avoided. Food should only be moderately salted and not eaten too hot or cold. Take plenty of time to eat and avoid stress or distractions during the meal, such as discussions, business lunches, television and radio.

Stomach pain: symptoms point to causes

If other symptoms occur with the stomach pain, more serious causes may be present. Stomach pain after eating, combined with a feeling of fullness and nausea to the point of nausea, may indicate an inflamed stomach lining (gastritis), a stomach ulcer or a duodenal ulcer. In advanced stages, these cases may additionally involve gastric bleeding or blood in the stool. Stomach pain may also start 20 minutes to two hours after eating, for example, if it is caused by flatulence in connection with irritable bowel syndrome. Another cause of stomach pain can be inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which, in contrast to the unpleasant but harmless irritable bowel syndrome, can be life-threatening (acute pancreatitis). Chronic pancreatitis, on the other hand, can lead to pancreatic cancer (pancreatic carcinoma), which is often detected late. Stomach cancer can also present with stomach pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, and nausea.

Stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea

Among the most common diseases that cause stomach pain is the stomach flu, which is caused by viruses. In addition to person-to-person transmission, gastroenteritis can also be caused by eating spoiled food. In particular, violent vomiting with diarrhea and stomach cramps are indicative of food poisoning. Symptoms then usually begin within six hours after ingestion of the food.

Intolerance as a cause

In varying degrees, stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, bloating and belching can be signs of an irritable stomach or intolerance to lactose (milk sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), gluten or histamine. Other symptoms of lactose intolerance include:

  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Depressive moods
  • Nervousness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Pain in the limbs
  • Acne

Depending on the severity of lactose intolerance, a restriction or complete renunciation of milk and dairy products is recommended. Affected people usually have to radically change their diet, because the stomach pain-causing lactose is also added to many finished products and sausages.

Causes stomach pain: disease or psyche?

Not always an organic disease must be the cause of stomach pain. Stress, depression, nervousness, grief, fears and worries hit us on the stomach. Even with psychological causes, stomach pain can be accompanied by belching, heartburn, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.On the other hand, stomach pain, or rather pain felt in the stomach area, can alert us to an (acute) health hazard or disease that one would initially associate with other symptoms. If the pain can be localized below the right costal arch, the liver, gallstones or hepatitis may be the cause. Left-sided pain that extends to the arm and occurs in association with chest tightness and anxiety may be caused by a heart attack.

Stomach pain: symptom of what?

Severe and sudden abdominal cramps, vomiting of feces and bile, constipation, and a distended abdomen indicate intestinal obstruction. If, on the other hand, the abdomen is hard and tense, breathing is difficult, and the pulse is racing, the cause could be acute peritonitis. If suspected, medical help must be sought immediately. Anyone who suffers from abdominal pain during pregnancy should pay attention. Although it is not uncommon for pregnant women to suffer from abdominal pain, for example at the beginning of pregnancy due to uterine contractions, kicking of the baby or premature labor (these causes should also be taken seriously), stomach pain in pregnancy in particular is rare. Stomach pain can occur in conjunction with common complaints such as heartburn or digestive problems, but severe and recurrent stomach pain should be medically evaluated to rule out risks to the mother and baby.

Stomach pain: diagnosis

Because stomach pain can be a symptom of many diseases, the doctor will ask you in detail about your medical history and accompanying symptoms. Among other things, they will record how often the stomach pain occurs, when it first appeared, where to locate it, whether it occurs in connection with (certain) food, and whether you have lost weight. Your lifestyle habits will also be analyzed to determine whether nicotine addiction, frequent alcohol consumption, hyperacidity, medications, lack of exercise or mental stress are the cause of the stomach pain. If no diagnosis can be made after an initial physical examination by palpation of the abdomen, listening with a stethoscope and an ultrasound image, the doctor will perform a blood test and, in the next step, a gastroscopy. If necessary, a colonoscopy may also be useful.