Stretch marks


Stretch marks are damage to the subcutis. Through strong, rapid stretching, for example during growth, pregnancy or rapid weight gain, the subcutis can tear and form scars. These scars usually remain permanent.

During pregnancy these stretch marks are natural and affect almost all mothers. The reddish or purple discoloration that appears at the beginning is due to blood vessels. In the course of time, the scars fade and the red colouring fades.

Causes of stretch marks

The direct cause of stretch marks, as the name suggests, is excessive stretching of the subcutis. There are various risk factors for stretch marks, which make them more likely to develop under the above-mentioned conditions. A genetic weakness of the connective tissue can increase the likelihood of developing stretch marks.

Stretch marks also appear more quickly during cortisone therapy. Stretch marks are also a typical symptom in some diseases. These include Cushing’s syndrome or obesity.

During therapy with ACTH, the elasticity of the subcutis also decreases. Not only an increase in body fat can lead to stretch marks – muscle gain in bodybuilders can have the same effect. – This can happen through pregnancy and is then called Striae gravidarum.

In addition to the increase in size of the abdomen and breasts, there is also a hormone-related weakness of the connective tissue during pregnancy. – The growth spurt in puberty can also lead to stretch marks. In this case the scars are called striae adolescentium. – Stretch marks caused by overweight are called striae obesitas.


Basically, stretch marks cannot be completely removed. Taking vitamin A or applying an ointment containing vitamin A can improve scar regression. However, this should not be used during pregnancy as it can damage the unborn child.

Very bulging and large scars can be partially flattened with lasers or cryotherapy. Trichloroacetic acid can also be used to flatten bulging stretch marks. Slight scars remain for life, but in the long run they become significantly paler and less noticeable.

This may also be of interest to you: Strengthen connective tissue – These tips help! Stretch marks can be made paler and less noticeable with laser therapy. In most cases, however, the stretch marks cannot be completely removed.

The skin is irradiated with high-energy light pulses and the rays penetrate to the lowest skin layers. The healing process in the skin is activated and the skin forms new collagen. Today, the laser beams are no longer applied over a large area, but fractionated.

After treatment, the skin is initially still irritated and may appear reddish. Solar radiation should be avoided in the time after the irradiation. One treatment is not sufficient in most cases.

Some patients need three, others five treatments until they achieve the desired result. Laser therapy for stretch marks is not covered by health insurance, but must be paid for by the patient. The costs per treatment are in the high two-digit to low three-digit range.

The treatment is not critical for nursing mothers. Laser treatment is only recommended if those affected suffer from large, bulging stretch marks. Normally stretch marks pale by themselves.

There is a whole range of ointments which are either intended to prevent the development of stretch marks or to reduce the already existing stretch marks. Moisturising creams can be used to strengthen the connective tissue during pregnancy. Greasy body butter can also prevent stretch marks.

An ointment containing vitamin A can be helpful in treating stretch marks. This supports the regression of the scars. Another ointment is the Bepanthen® scar roller.

The connective tissue and the blood circulation of the skin can be strengthened by massages with oil and thus stretch marks can be prevented. Recommended are oils from sesame, almond and coconut. Also olive oil, cocoa butter and beeswax can strengthen the skin.

Pregnant women in particular are recommended to carry out regular skin care with oils. The oils should be pure and not contain any chemical additives. In the internet you can find some recipes for the own production of suitable oil mixtures.