Substance Abuse

What are drugs, anyway? By definition, they are natural, semi-synthetic or fully synthetic compounds that are consciously ingested to induce a change in experience and consciousness. Drugs include, in addition to illegal intoxicants such as cocaine, cannabis, heroin, and others, legally available products such as alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine. However, it is not the pharmacological effect alone that makes a substance a drug, but rather the abuse.

Reasons for drug abuse: getting high instead of solving problems

The reasons for drug abuse are manifold. Drugs intoxicate; taking intoxicants provides pleasure, elation, and thrills. Perceptual distortions or illusions can also be produced, through which mood and feelings are influenced – even to the point of hallucinogenic effects.

Mind-altering substances are mainly experimented with when loneliness, frustrations, inner emptiness as well as loss of life perspectives prevail. Problems that have not been overcome, unsatisfactory living conditions or difficult relationships with family, friends and colleagues are further risk factors as a result of which abusive behavior can develop.

Sometimes drugs are also medically indicated: Those suffering from depression or anxiety are prescribed painkillers, tranquilizers or antidepressants. Abuse or addiction is when there is a chronic intake of intoxicants, so that a psychological or physical dependence develops.

Well then, cheers! – The No. 1 drug is available over the counter

Alcohol is considered the main drug in Germany, with all professions, social classes and genders affected by alcoholism. According to Deutsche Leberhilfe e.V., about 3.5 million Germans have liver disease. Among 25- to 45-year-olds, cirrhosis of the liver is the most common cause of death due to disease in this country. Every year, 5,000 Germans die of liver cancer and presumably more than one million people in Germany suffer from alcohol-related fatty liver or chronic liver inflammation.

Smoking: Role of the media

Despite warnings about the health risks, about one in four people over the age of 15 in Germany smoke regularly. Of particular concern is that so many young people smoke: 19.4% are in the 15 to under 20 age group.

The way smoking is treated in the media certainly has a considerable influence on the younger age groups: in many films and in fashion, smoking is still portrayed as the epitome of freedom and lifestyle. The actors who smoke never cough; on the contrary, they are actually particularly healthy and full of life.

The risks such as chronic bronchitis or lung cancer, on the other hand, are swept under the table. It has been clearly proven today that smoking is the single most significant cause of cancer of all. Tobacco smoke contains many carcinogens that promote not only lung cancer but also lip, tongue, throat, larynx and esophageal cancer. The likelihood of developing chronic bronchitis increases with the number of cigarettes smoked daily.

Trust is good, parental control is better

Strict parents reduce drug use, according to a study by the Antidrug Center in New York. It found that certain rules and controls on the part of parents positively influence the behavior of their adolescent children between the ages of 12 and 17.

The more parents implemented educational measures such as monitoring school performance, controlling television and Internet habits, and CD purchases, the lower the risk that their offspring would turn to alcohol, cigarettes or illegal drugs. Shared meals and plenty of time for family discussions also proved positive.

World Drug Day June 26

The United Nations has declared June 26 as World Drug Day. For several years now, this day has been used to draw attention to the problem of drug use. Young people in particular are targeted by the talks and information offered by the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA).