Summary | Physiotherapy after meniscus surgery


Physiotherapy after meniscus surgery plays an essential role for the duration and success of the rehabilitation process. Regular training is essential to restore the mobility, resilience and stability of the knee joint. In addition to physiotherapy, the patient should also exercise at home to get back on his feet as quickly as possible.

The methods used include lymphatic drainage and mobilization to prevent inflammation at the beginning and joint stabilizing exercises, muscle build-up and leg axis training in the further course. The training plan individually created during physiotherapy is aimed at quickly getting a grip on the pain after the operation, avoiding swelling and mobilizing the knee joint as a whole. Normally, if the physiotherapy is carried out in a disciplined manner, the patient can easily resume sports afterwards.

Only in rare cases or in combination with other injuries can restrictions be expected. In principle, it is advisable to train the stability and musculature around the knee joint as a preventive measure to prevent injuries.