Is a hepatitis C vaccination in prospect? | Hepatitis C vaccination

Is a hepatitis C vaccination in prospect?

In recent years, much research has been done to develop a vaccine against Hepatitis C. Many data have shown that an HCV vaccination is possible in principle. However, the development of a suitable vaccine is still difficult. Research is often carried out on the development of so-called combination vaccines, which consist of at least two vaccines with different effects and are effective against a large proportion of the viruses. Individual vaccines are already in the clinical testing phase and have shown promising results so far. However, it will probably take several years before a vaccine is developed for general use.

Against which form of hepatitis can one be vaccinated?

While vaccination against hepatitis C is not possible, vaccines are available for hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Vaccination against hepatitis A viruses is recommended by STIKO for all persons at risk. This includes medical personnel and people working in the food industry. In addition, vaccination against hepatitis A is also recommended for patients with an increased risk of disease (e.g. patients with chronic liver disease).Finally, STIKO recommends vaccination even when travelling to areas with a high incidence of disease.

These include above all subtropical and tropical areas in Africa, South America and South East Asia. The vaccine is a dead vaccine (inactivated hepatitis A virus) which is injected twice at intervals of 6 to 12 months. Vaccination against hepatitis B viruses is recommended by STIKO for everyone in infancy and childhood.

In addition, medical personnel in particular should be vaccinated against hepatitis B virus. The vaccine is also a dead vaccine (inactivated hepatitis B virus), which is injected three to four times during the first year of life. A booster vaccination is usually not necessary. This topic might also be of interest to you: Vaccination against Hepatitis B