Long adductor muscle (M. adductor longus)


Latin: Musculus adductor longus


The long adductor muscle belongs to the adductor group of the thigh. Adduction is the Latin word for leading. In the thigh, it means that the adductor group brings the splayed leg back to the body, for example. But the adductors are also involved in many everyday movements, such as walking. The long adductor muscle is located on the inside of the thigh and pulls approximately from the pubic bone at the central front edge of the pelvis to the middle third of the thigh bone (linea aspera, femur).


Approach: “roughening” of the thigh bone (Linea aspera). This is located on the back and in the middle third of the thigh bone. Origin: Pubic bone (Os pubis). Innervation: N. obturatorius (L3-L4)


The long adductor muscle pulls in its course from the top center (pubic bone) diagonally outwards and downwards (thigh bone roughening). Its main function is therefore to pull the thigh towards the middle of the body (adduction). However, it can also provide support when lifting the thigh due to its course from the pelvis to the thigh (flexion in the hip joint).

In addition, the muscle is involved in the external rotation of the leg by attaching to the back of the thigh bone. Imagine the following: You grab the back of your right upper arm with your left hand and pull. This turns the right arm outwards. An analogous biomechanical process underlies the external rotation of the leg through the long adductor muscle.

Common diseases

Overloading can lead to the typical muscle injuries such as pulled muscles, torn muscle fibers or complete muscle rupture, especially in athletes. Also (tendon) irritations can occur. Footballers in particular often complain of “adductor strain“, which can affect the long adductor muscle, among others. Footballers suffer this injury mainly when passing or shooting with the instep, because the adductors are under particular strain during this movement due to the outwardly turned position of the leg.