Symptoms of hip arthrosis | Symptoms of arthrosis

Symptoms of hip arthrosis

Hip joint arthrosis (coxarthrosis) often begins very harmlessly with slight pain at the beginning of a movement, especially after sitting for a long time or in the morning after getting up. The pain subsides after a few steps, but becomes more frequent. Movements such as bending and descending stairs, but also turning movements (e.g. when getting out of the car) or spreading and pulling the legs up and down become increasingly difficult.

In the advanced stage of hip arthrosis, the pain also occurs at rest and at night. Those affected often complain of groin pain that radiates from the thigh to the knee joint on the same side. Often, after walking for long distances, the hip on the affected side bends slightly or the affected person begins to limp.

The mobility in the hip joint is also restricted by the arthrosis. The thigh can no longer be bent or stretched without problems, spreading the leg is only possible with pain and turning movements are hardly or not at all possible. Certain movements can no longer be performed because the joint is blocked.

Depending on the extent of the wear and tear, rubbing noises may also be heard when walking, and the affected person feels that the joint no longer runs “smoothly”. The accompanying symptoms of hip joint arthrosis are often back pain in the lumbar spine. The sacro-iliac joint and the knee joint in particular are affected by relieving posture or incorrect weight-bearing due to the hip pain. Hip joint arthrosis typically does not lead to joint swelling or instability in the hip joint.

Symptoms of thumb arthrosis

The wear and tear of the thumb saddle joint is also called rhizarthrosis and very often occurs simultaneously on both sides. The first symptoms of the disease are often pain when reaching for heavy objects such as a water bottle. The feeling of stiffness in the fingers, especially in the morning, and problems in closing the fist are described.

At times, a so-called activated arthrosis can occur, in which the thumb joint swells up, is reddened and overheated. The thumb saddle joint is the most mobile joint of the thumb and is involved in all movement patterns, therefore in most cases it causes severe pain. In addition, turning movements like turning a key in a lock are more difficult and the strength and sensitivity of the hand decreases.

Fine motor movements such as unscrewing a screw cap from a beverage bottle become more difficult and require several attempts. This can lead to instability of the thumb saddle joint. In the further course of time, the joint capsule ossifies, which leads to a malposition (subluxation) of the thumb in the thumb saddle joint. These changes are visible from the outside, but the mobility of the thumb is usually not restricted. In addition, bone growth processes (formation of osteophytes) become palpable over time.