Tablets for nail fungus | Tablets against nail fungus

Tablets for nail fungus

Nail fungus can be treated in different ways. When deciding which form of treatment is best for a particular patient, both the stage and the extent of the fungal infection must be considered. In early stages, simple home remedies can achieve great results.

However, as soon as a large part of the nail bed (more than 70%) is affected, household remedies and special paints can no longer have sufficient effect. The reason for this is that the infected nail bed ensures that the newly forming nail is also immediately affected by the fungus. The treatment of nail fungus can be done as soon as the nail bed is affected only by the oral administration of tablets.

Ingredient of these tablets can be different antimycotics (fungicidal substances). These active substances are deposited in the area of the nail root in the newly forming nail substance. In this way, a crossing of the fungal spores into the fresh nail will be prevented.

It can therefore over time completely healthy, fungus-free nail substance grow again. When using tablets for the treatment of nail fungus, however, it is imperative to ensure that they are taken regularly without interruption. In addition, the nail fungus tablets must be taken until the infected nail is completely replaced by healthy nail substance.

For this reason, the period of use can last several weeks. In the case of infected fingernails, this can last between three and six months. Toenails usually grow much slower, so the treatment period is correspondingly longer.

Various tablets against nail fungus

For the internal treatment of the nail fungus there are different active substances available, which are administered as tablets. These are mainly the active ingredients Fluconazole, Itraconazole and Terbinafine. These active ingredients differ partly in their mechanism of action and in their respective side effects.

What they have in common, however, is their effectiveness against fungi, which are called dermatophytes. Such dermatophytes are the most common cause of nail fungus. Only in very rare cases are yeast or mould fungi responsible for nail fungus.

Itraconazole and Fluconazole are however also effective against yeast fungi. The active substances exist as tablets of different manufacturers and in different dosages.However, the active ingredient contained is the same, regardless of the manufacturer. Fluconazole is for example available as “Fluconazol Ratiopharm” in the dosages 50, 100 and 150 mg.

The usual dose for a nail fungus attack is 150 mg once a week until a healthy nail has grown back. The active ingredient itraconazole is available as “Itraconazole AL 100mg” in tablet form, for example. The last active ingredient Terbinafine is also available in hard capsule form from various manufacturers in different dosages. An example of a Terbinafine tablet is “Terbinafine AL 250 mg”.