Definition of tooth neck | Tooth neck is exposed – What to do?

Definition of tooth neck

The tooth is divided into three sections, starting with the crown, followed by the neck of the tooth and finally the root. The neck of the tooth is the transition between crown and root. In healthy teeth, the visible parts of the tooth are covered by a layer of enamel, the root part lies protected under the gum (gingiva). In the cervical area the enamel runs out towards the root of the tooth and the cement layer begins.However, the strength and resistance of dental cement is not comparable to that of enamel and is much more sensitive.


Exposed dental necks are a common ailment in dentistry, as they can sometimes be triggered unconsciously by patients who regularly brush their teeth, but do so a little too roughly. In addition, each gum reacts differently to external stimuli. With the above mentioned tips, however, they can be easily avoided, and even if a visit to the dentist is necessary due to severe pain, it is not necessarily the worst case, since this is a very sensitive area. In case of major problems or underlying causes, a dentist should always be consulted, who will then initiate the correct treatment.