Testicular Pain: This May Be Behind it

Pain in the testicles is very disturbing for most men. But not always a serious disease is the cause when the testicles hurt. For example, if the testicular pain occurs in temporal relation to sexual intercourse, this is usually not a cause for concern. However, infections such as testicular inflammation or epididymitis can also manifest themselves through pain in the testicles. Therefore, you should always have persistent testicular pain clarified by a doctor.

Testicular cancer only very rarely cause

The fear that testicular pain is a symptom of testicular cancer is usually unfounded. This is because testicular cancer typically manifests as a painless, indurated swelling or nodule-like “lump” in the testicle. Pain usually occurs – if at all – only at a very advanced stage. Because the chances of cure are very good for testicular cancer detected early, it is important that you regularly palpate your testicle for changes and see a doctor as soon as possible if you notice anything abnormal.

Pain and swelling associated with testicular inflammation

Unilateral testicular pain accompanied by swelling and redness of the testicle may indicate testicular inflammation (orchitis). In this case, the symptoms often occur only on one side, and more rarely both testicles are affected. Symptoms such as fever, headache and fatigue are also common. The cause of testicular inflammation is usually viral or bacterial diseases in which the pathogens are carried to the testicles via the blood or lymph. Most commonly, these are mumps viruses, but chickenpox, mononucleosis, and malaria can also result in testicular inflammation.

Epididymitis after urinary tract infections.

Epididymitis usually occurs as a result of inflammation of the bladder, urethra, or prostate. In this case, the germs rise via the vas deferens into the epididymis. Initially, this may manifest itself as back pain in the flank area or abdominal pain. Later, the symptoms are similar to those of testicular inflammation – often there is also a combined inflammation of the testicle and epididymis (epidymorchitis).

Testicular inflammation: rapid treatment important

If you notice symptoms of testicular inflammation in yourself, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, because if left untreated, it can lead to destruction of the testicular tissue and thus infertility. Treatment consists of anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications, as well as antibiotics if the inflammation is caused by bacteria. In addition, in the case of testicular inflammation, you should stay in bed and keep the testicle cool and elevated. For this purpose, there is a so-called jockstrap – a holding device for the testicle – as an aid.

Pulling in the testicle in hernia

In a hernia (inguinal hernia), there is a protrusion of intestinal loops through weak points in the abdominal wall. In certain congenital anatomic conditions, this can cause loops of intestine to protrude through the inguinal canal and into the testis. This can be manifested by a pulling sensation in the testicle and groin, which occurs mainly after coughing, sneezing or pressing. A bump or thickening in the groin or swelling of the testicle is also often palpable. The doctor can usually detect an inguinal hernia simply by physical examination. In all cases, surgery is then necessary to prevent dangerous intestinal obstruction.

Testicular torsion in children and adolescents

Testicular torsion is a rotation of the testicle around the blood vessels that supply it. The cause is usually a congenital lack of fixation of the testis in the scrotum. Testicular torsion occurs mainly in infants and adolescents and is manifested by sudden onset of severe pain in the testicle and groin. In addition, the affected testicle is usually swollen, reddened and stands higher than on the opposite side. It may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and circulatory problems.

Danger due to insufficient blood supply

Testicular torsion is an emergency because the twisting of the vessels cuts off the blood supply to the testicle. The first sign of a lack of blood supply is a bluish discoloration of the testicle – the testicle must then be “turned back” as quickly as possible, otherwise it may die. As a rule, this is done by surgery.So, if you suspect testicular torsion in your child, it is best to go directly to a hospital emergency room so that treatment can be given as quickly as possible in an emergency.

Usually harmless: testicular pain after sex

That the testicles are temporarily hypersensitive and possibly painful after sexual intercourse is completely normal. Especially in the absence of ejaculation or if the erection has been maintained for a very long time, burning or stabbing testicular pain may also occur. This is caused by the increased blood volume in the male genitals during erection, which can lead to spasms of the muscles in the seminal ducts if arousal is prolonged. This discomfort is also known as “cavalier pain” – borrowing from the idea that a cavalier delays his climax until the lady is sexually satisfied.

Improvement after ejaculation

“Cavalier pain” can be very unpleasant, but it is completely harmless. Often, ejaculation provides relief – but in rare cases, the pain can persist after ejaculation. In general, if you have permanent discomfort during sex, you should not be afraid to consult a doctor. Because even if there is no direct health risk, pain during sexual intercourse can disrupt your sex life and thus lead to relationship problems and even depression.