Therapy, areas of application and effect | Comfrey

Therapy, areas of application and effect

The healing effect of comfrey has been scientifically proven. Comfrey preparations for external use promote the healing of wounds and injuries. The various ingredients contribute to healing.

Choline inhibits the formation of oedemas and promotes blood circulation in the injured tissue. The active ingredient allantoin is very important for cell growth. But only the allantoin in combination with the mucilage of the comfrey can contribute to the new formation of the tissue.

The tanning agents in comfrey have an antimicrobial effect. Fresh or dried leaves and roots of comfrey are used externally for injuries of the musculoskeletal system, strains, sprains, bruises, contusions, fractures, rheumatism (rheumatoid arthritis), arthrosis, gout, periostitis, haematoma, scar pain and cuts. A highly dosed special extract of comfrey root is Kytta-Salbe® from the pharmacy. Comfrey has an analgesic effect as a compress.

Dosage forms

Comfrey is most often used as a ready-to-use preparation, for example in the form of comfrey may only be used externally! Ready-made preparations in the form of gels, creams and ointments are available in pharmacies. The healing power of the special extract from the comfrey root has been proven to shorten the duration of complaints.

One product is the Kytta ointment. A daily dose of 100 μg pyrrolizidine coids must not be exceeded. The duration of application in one year should not exceed four to six weeks.

Please always ask your doctor before treatment! Too high a dosage can cause liver damage. – Ointments

  • Gel
  • Tincture

Side Effect / Interaction

According to the latest findings, the pyrrolizidine alkaloids in comfrey have shown that they have carcinogenic effects (carcinogenic !!! ), i.e. preparations made from comfrey roots or leaves must not be used internally as they favour the development of cancer. Comfrey extracts from the pharmacy should not be used externally for more than four to six weeks.

As a precaution, comfrey extracts should not be applied to open wounds, which can lead to abscess formation. No side effects have been observed when applied externally to healthy skin. There is no scientific evidence yet on the use of comfrey extracts during pregnancy and lactation.

Manufacturer / Trade name

Manufacturers are given by way of example and were selected at random. We have no personal connection with any manufacturer! Kytta – Ointment® | N1 50g | 6,45 € Kytta – Ointment® | N2 100g | 11,44 € Kytta – Ointment® | N3 150g | 14,50€