Therapy | Drug Psychosis


The basis and decisive factor for a successful therapy of a drug psychosis is the renunciation of triggering substances. Further treatment follows the principles of therapy of non-drug-induced psychoses. For the treatment of psychotic symptoms, drugs from the class of neuroleptics are used.

These are available in various preparations both for administration in the acute phase and for continuous use to prevent relapses. An existing anxiety symptomatology can be relieved in the short term with benzodiazepines, but the addictive effect of drugs in this class must be taken into account. In addition, sociotherapeutic measures for placement in assisted living and work facilities and reintegration into a regular daily routine are of great importance.


The course and prognosis of a drug psychosis are difficult to predict. While in rare cases, even the renunciation of triggering substances achieves a disappearance of the psychotic symptoms, in other cases residual symptoms of the psychosis can persist for life despite therapy. In general, affected persons and their relatives are advised to seek early contact with a drug and addiction counseling center in order to ensure the best possible chances of treatment by starting treatment early.