Therapy | Inflammation anus


Depending on the existing disease, different treatment options are possible. A longer self-therapy for inflammatory anal symptoms should be avoided in order to prevent an aggravation of the inflammation as well as not to overlook a serious disease. In the case of a simple irritation of the skin of the anus in the form of anal eczema, the patient should first be spared.

In addition, it is important to avoid contact of irritating substances such as detergents and care products with the affected area. Ointments and powders can also help to improve the healing of the affected area. If itching is present, ointments with a so-called antihistamine can be applied to reduce it.

If bacterial infections have occurred, it may be necessary to administer an antibiotic to fight the infection. This can be administered systemically or locally, depending on the severity of the infection. The inflammation itself can be treated with ointments containing glucocorticoids.

Hemorrhoids only need to be treated if they are impaired. Thus, the mere appearance of the swollen vessels is not necessarily a reason to remove them. If it is known that an individual has a tendency to the development of hemorrhoids, it is advisable to adjust the behavior during bowel movements and possibly also during food.

Thus, an improved stool consistency can be achieved by taking high-fiber food, while excessive pressing during defecation should be avoided. In case of a significant impairment and bleeding, it may be necessary to remove hemorrhoids surgically. However, an individual consultation should be made by a physician.

An anal fissure usually heals by itself after a certain time. Here too, care should be taken to ensure the correct consistency of the stool, as well as to avoid pressing during defecation in order to avoid the occurrence of further fissures and to avoid impairing the healing of the existing fissure. An anal fistula must usually be surgically removed. This is particularly problematic if it is a fistula that affects the muscles of the bowel outlet.In these cases, the removal of the fistula must be performed with special care in order not to endanger the correct function of the bowel outlet.