Therapy of a weakness attack | Weakness attack

Therapy of a weakness attack

When the first signs of weakness appear (blackening of the eyes, dizziness) it may be helpful to lie down and elevate the legs. It is not always necessary to consult a doctor. If those affected succeed in finding the cause of their tension and lassitude and remedy it, eat a healthy diet, drink enough fluids (e.g. water and unsweetened teas) and rest, the symptoms can improve quickly.

Extreme physical exertion should be avoided in such situations to regain energy. However, especially in cases of persistent symptoms or recurring weakness attacks, a therapy should be considered. It is recommended to become aware of one’s lifestyle and to integrate sufficient rest periods and sufficient sleep.

Attention should also be paid to (initially moderate) physical activity, regular exercise in the fresh air and a healthy diet. Wearing compression stockings helps the blood to flow back to the heart. This is particularly recommended for a workplace where people have to stand or sit for long periods of time.Possible triggering situations such as staying in crowded rooms for a long time, standing for a long time or consuming alcohol and drugs should be avoided.

If the occurrence of a weakness attack is caused by another underlying disease such as a metabolic disorder or heart disease, the underlying disease is treated. If the symptoms are the consequences of a “dragged flu” with possible additional bacterial infection, antibiotic administration can lead to success. Medication plans should be reviewed regularly with the family doctor, as these can also lead to symptoms such as fatigue, etc.

In this case the use of another medication should be considered. Under no circumstances should the medication be changed or discontinued on your own initiative. Furthermore, learning relaxation techniques for everyday life, yoga, autogenic training or meditation can reduce stress, relieve tension and thus support the recovery process.

Diagnosis of a weakness attack

An attack of weakness is often caused by easily remedied causes, as listed above. If another underlying disease is the cause of the severe state of exhaustion, this underlying disease can be diagnosed during a visit to the doctor. Depending on the underlying disease and corresponding diagnosis, treatment may need to be continued by other specialists.