
Tonsillitis; Angina tonsillarisTonsillitis is an inflammation of the palatine tonsils (tonsils). It is caused by viruses or bacteria. In most cases it is the pathogen “Streptococcus type A”. This is mainly transmitted during the cold season by droplet infection. The affected person suffers from sore throat, fever and a general feeling of illness. The palatal … Tonsillitis

Duration | Tonsillitis

Duration The duration of acute tonsillitis varies.Initially, there is the incubation period, the time from infection to inflammation, which is about 2-4 days. Afterwards symptoms become apparent and the diagnosis of acute tonsillitis is made. The duration of the disease is about one to two weeks in total, depending on the type and fitness of … Duration | Tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis

Synonyms Chronic tonsillitis Definition Chronic tonsillitis is present when the inflammation of the palatine tonsils lasts longer than three months. Chronic tonsillitis can progress very variably, sometimes unnoticed, sometimes with severe symptoms of recurrent acute tonsillitis. The complication, rheumatic fever, is a rare but very threatening complication. The therapy for chronic tonsillitis is the surgical … Chronic tonsillitis

Treatment of tonsillitis

Tonsillitis can affect anyone and be very unpleasant. By your behavior you can do a lot to help the tonsillitis subside more quickly. The most important thing is first of all to take sufficient physical protection in order not to prolong the tonsillitis and thus unnecessarily run the risk of rheumatic fever! It is important … Treatment of tonsillitis

Antibiotics for tonsillitis | Treatment of tonsillitis

Antibiotics for tonsillitis Antibiotics only work on bacteria. If the tonsillitis is viral, there is no causal treatment option! In case of a bacterial cause – recognizable by the purulent coatings – antibiotics are prescribed by the family doctor for therapy. Penicillin is very effective. Alternatively, cephalosporins can be considered for the treatment of tonsillitis. … Antibiotics for tonsillitis | Treatment of tonsillitis

Duration of the treatment | Treatment of tonsillitis

Duration of the treatment Bacterial tonsillitis often requires the administration of antibiotics. Penicillins, macrolides and cephalosporins are mainly used. The therapy usually lasts 10 days and should be completed in any case. We strongly advise against discontinuing the antibiotic when improvement sets in, as there is then a risk of further deterioration and the pathogens … Duration of the treatment | Treatment of tonsillitis