Cramps in the lower abdomen

Introduction Cramps in the lower abdomen are very stressful for those affected. Especially during work or other everyday activities, they lead to considerable restrictions depending on their duration and strength. When cramps occur in the lower abdomen, the muscles of the respective hollow organs contract (contract) and thus cause the perception of pain. The causes … Cramps in the lower abdomen

Cramps in the lower abdomen left | Cramps in the lower abdomen

Cramps in the lower abdomen left The causes for cramps in the left lower abdomen can be very diverse. Mostly they affect the large intestine (Intestinum crassum). Patients are often diagnosed with colon diverticula, which can cause great pain. Diverticula (diverticulosis) are generally more likely to occur in people of advanced age when the tissue … Cramps in the lower abdomen left | Cramps in the lower abdomen

Pain in an intestinal loop

Introduction Depending on the localization, abdominal pain can have different causes. In some cases, the localization of the pain can already indicate the possible cause. Diseases of the intestine, i.e. the intestinal loops, usually cause abdominal pain, which is localized in the middle to lower abdomen. Since the intestine extends over the entire abdomen, pain … Pain in an intestinal loop

Where does the pain on intestinal loops occur? | Pain in an intestinal loop

Where does the pain on intestinal loops occur? Pain in an intestinal loop, which is localized in the right half of the abdomen, can give an indication of various possible diseases. In case of an incarceration in the context of a hernia, a loop of intestine located on the right side may be involved. For … Where does the pain on intestinal loops occur? | Pain in an intestinal loop

Other accompanying symptoms of pain in intestinal loops | Pain in an intestinal loop

Other accompanying symptoms of pain in intestinal loops The accompanying symptoms depend on the triggering cause. Often a cause can already be suspected from a certain constellation of symptoms. Pain in one or more intestinal loops that occurs in combination with fever can be an indication of the presence of an inflammatory reaction, as in … Other accompanying symptoms of pain in intestinal loops | Pain in an intestinal loop


Symptoms Possible symptoms of campylobacteriosis include: Diarrhea, watery to mushy, sometimes with blood and mucus in the stool. Nausea, vomiting Abdominal pain, abdominal cramps Feeling sick, fever, headache Muscle and joint pain Symptoms begin about two to five days after infection and usually last a week. Rarely, complications such as Guillain-Barré syndrome or reactive arthritis … Campylobacter