Exercises against abdominal fat

Due to a changed lifestyle, frequent sedentary activities, little movement in everyday life and at work, the overweight and abdominal fat in society has increased enormously. Stress has also increased in general, making it even more difficult to get up for sports after a long day at work. Especially during sports, endorphins are released, which … Exercises against abdominal fat

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Causes and Treatment

Symptoms The possible acute symptoms of type 2 diabetes include: Thirst (polydipsia) and hunger (polyphagia). Increased urination (polyuria). Visual disturbances Weight loss Fatigue, exhaustion, declining performance. Poor wound healing, infectious diseases. Skin lesions, itching Acute complications: Hyperacidity (ketoacidosis), hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome. Untreated diabetes is far from harmless and can lead in the longer term to … Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Causes and Treatment

Heart Attack Causes and Treatment

Symptoms A heart attack manifests itself in acute and severe pain and a feeling of tightness and pressure in the chest, which may also radiate to the arms, jaw or abdomen. Other symptoms include nausea, indigestion, shortness of breath, coughing, a break of sweat, pallor, fear of death, unconsciousness and dizziness. A myocardial infarction lasts … Heart Attack Causes and Treatment

Inner Belly Fat: Determine Personal Risk

Increased abdominal girth is the outwardly visible sign of excessive internal abdominal fat. Therefore, abdominal circumference measurement is considered a simple method to detect excessive internal abdominal fat. Up to 75 percent of this fat can be determined in this way. So, unlike BMI, abdominal circumference measurement provides insight into fat distribution and associated health … Inner Belly Fat: Determine Personal Risk

Inner Belly Fat: Weight Loss Tips

The number of studies documenting even moderate weight loss as a health benefit is incalculable. Already a reduction in weight by five to ten percent and the resulting reduced abdominal circumference let the inner belly fat melt by about 30 percent. That pleases the heart: Because also its largest adversaries – high blood pressure and … Inner Belly Fat: Weight Loss Tips

How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? | Weight reduction after pregnancy

How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? To lose weight specifically on the stomach, a lot of exercise and a balanced diet are necessary. The so-called “visceral fatty tissue” on the stomach reacts differently to changing eating habits than subcutaneous fat. Therefore, it is particularly helpful on the stomach if you consume fewer … How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding In the first 6 weeks after the birth you should definitely avoid dieting and starving. Non-nursing mothers often find it more difficult to lose weight after the birth. To lose weight without breastfeeding it helps to change your diet slowly. You should have breakfast every morning, no matter how … Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Fatal Signals from Belly Fat: Adipose Tissue Produces Messenger Substances

Fatty tissue is not only energy storage, but also acts as an organ that produces various messenger substances: The abdominal fat in particular sometimes sends out fatal signals in the process, the full implications of which are only just being recognized by medicine. Among other things, the fatty tissue in the abdominal cavity releases immune … Fatal Signals from Belly Fat: Adipose Tissue Produces Messenger Substances