Testicular mumps

What is a testicular mumps? Testicular mumps is a complication of mumps disease. The infection spreads to the testicles via the bloodstream and causes an inflammation of the testicles. This happens in 20 to 30 percent of cases occurring during puberty. Otherwise, this complication of mumps disease occurs much less frequently. Causes for the development … Testicular mumps

Infertility due to testicular mumps | Testicular mumps

Infertility due to testicular mumps Unfortunately, there is a possibility of infertility as a result of testicular mumps. However, this complication occurs very rarely. More often, however, the testicle atrophies moderately after the severe swelling during infection. However, this diminution is rarely accompanied by infertility. Therapy The duration of mumps disease or complications of testicular … Infertility due to testicular mumps | Testicular mumps

How do you know that you can work again? | Can you go to work when you have a cold?

How do you know that you can work again? Here too, the subjective perception of health is most important. Anyone who feels fit and has none of the above symptoms such as fever or aching limbs can go back to work. The general symptoms do not have to have disappeared completely. If, for example, there … How do you know that you can work again? | Can you go to work when you have a cold?

Home Remedies for the Common Cold

A cold is burdensome and reduces the joy of life. However, to get rid of the disease, also known as a flu-like infection, quickly, you do not have to immediately resort to the “chemical club”, but can get relief with gentle home remedies. What helps against the common cold? A tasty chicken soup can help … Home Remedies for the Common Cold

Diagnosis | Diarrhea and stomach pain

Diagnosis In addition to diarrhea and stomach pain, other accompanying symptoms often occur because the underlying disease is usually something that affects the entire digestive tract. This typically results in additional nausea and vomiting. Like diarrhea, vomiting serves to cleanse the digestive tract of potential pathogens. General symptoms such as fever, headaches and aching limbs … Diagnosis | Diarrhea and stomach pain

Treatment | Diarrhea and stomach pain

Treatment The treatment of diarrhea and stomach pain depends on the cause and severity of the disease. If, for example, viruses or bacteria cause the symptoms of the disease, often no specific therapy is necessary. The body already shows good defence mechanisms against the pathogens through the diarrhoea and stomach pain (possibly with fever and … Treatment | Diarrhea and stomach pain

Is it possible to have a norovirus infection without diarrhoea and vomiting? | Symptoms of Norovirus infection

Is it possible to have a norovirus infection without diarrhoea and vomiting? A Norovirus infection can occur even without the typical symptoms. This depends mainly on the aggressiveness of the pathogen and the immune system of the person affected. Many infections go completely unnoticed or only with a slight fever for a day. In particular, … Is it possible to have a norovirus infection without diarrhoea and vomiting? | Symptoms of Norovirus infection